transfer case subject

I just picked up a rubi transfer case from a 2010 automatic to put in my 2012 sport with auto. Like you couldn't find a lot of info about it but when I posted a similar question a couple weeks ago I was told it would work but then I'm going auto to auto. I'm not going to have time to do the swap for a couple weeks but when I do I'll post up. The cases do look a little different but as long as to bolt pattern and output shaft in my tranny are the same then it should work.

Don't think that's gonna work out for you bud :grayno: 2012/13 auto tcases are different.

Showroom -- Hopefully that t-case will work for you, however if it doesn't let me know as I might be able to use it in my 2008 auto.
Showroom -- Hopefully that t-case will work for you, however if it doesn't let me know as I might be able to use it in my 2008 auto.

Here's the shakedown:

2007-2011 auto or manual, and 2012/13 manual will accept ANY tcase from 2007-2011, and also a 2012/2013 manual tcase.

If you have a 2012/13 with the new 5 speed auto, only a tcase from another 12/13 auto will work.
Here's the shakedown:

2007-2011 auto or manual, and 2012/13 manual will accept ANY tcase from 2007-2011, and also a 2012/2013 manual tcase.
If you have a 2012/13 with the new 5 speed auto, only a tcase from another 12/13 auto will work.

Kh202 -- very helpful, thanks.
The $450 i paid plus my sport tcase was worth every penny for the 4:1!!! Check out shops that do LS conversions. They are always looking to swap 4:1's for the 2.72's.. :thumb:
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The $450 i paid plus my sport tcase was worth every penny for the 4:1!!! Check out shops that do LS conversions. They are always looking to swap 4:1's for the 2.72's.. :thumb:

If you can get me a line on one of these pm me
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