Trail essentials- What tools to Carry Offroad

The Run Supply List - What To Bring When You're Out On The Trail

Anytime you head out on a run whether it's just for the day, over night or a week long trip like the JKX it's always important that you bring supplies. Many Jeepers new to off-road runs probably always ask the same question, "What do I need to bring with me". My goal with this thread is to help inform everyone (especially those new to off-road) what it is that you should have with you anytime you're out on the trail.

For all the experienced Jeepers reading this, please feel free to post up your thoughts on what you think should be on each list. When you post up, I will add your suggestions to the lists here that way everything will be listed in one place for all to see.


½” Breaker bar 18” or so and 3/8 to ½” socket adaptor
Knife and a Razor scraper
1-1/8” Wrench for high steer bolts
5/16 socket for diff covers must be deep socket
Torx Socket set and cheap folding set
Small and regular vice grips
Screw drivers- At least one large decent flat had for another pry bar.
Torque wrench-foot lbs
Extensions for socket kit
Small grease gun
File kit
Large and medium crescent wrenches
Needle nose plyers
Allen set and the Allen socket bit
Medium sized channel locks
Bottle jack 6 or 8 ton
4 x 4 wood blocks
Wire Crimper/Cutter

Basic Supplies (no matter where you go or how long you're gone for, you should have these items)

Food & Water
Flash Light
Fire Extinguisher
Toilet Paper
First Aid Kit
Zip Ties
JB Weld
Ratchet straps
Spill kit
Gorilla and Electrical Tape
Serpentine belt
SS bailing wire
Spare lug nuts
Random Metric nuts and bolts
Tube of Gasket maker
Recovery Strap, Tree Saver, Shackles and Snatch Blocks
Electical Kit - wire, spades, and butt
U-Joints for your front axle - Prob just one spare
U-Joints and straps for drive shafts - 2 or 3 is better
Random heater Tubing and hose clamps
The correct coolant for your year Jeep
ATF, Engine Oil, Power Steering and Brake Fluid
ARB Flat tire kit

Advanced Supplies (once you really start to push it out on the trail these are thing that would be a great addition to your supply list)

Brake lines
Cheap transfer pump
Diff Fluid – 3 quarts will fill a whole axle
Trail Vice
Spare ARB Air Line Kit
Transfer case bushing

Admins and Moderators - if this is in the wrong place please feel free to move it to the correct section, also if you feel it warrants being a sticky somewhere that would be great also.
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Beer and toilet paper are good but how about a winch? Haha

I would probably put winch in the advanced one but what I'm really getting at especially for the basic list are things that people should have no matter what.

Advanced would be things like spare axels, trail welder stuff like that. The basic would be something like sunblock, food and water, basic tools spare clothes or anything else like that. I'm really going for the "must haves" and not the "it would be nice to haves"
Tools besides sockets and wrench sizes I carry:
½” Breaker bar 18” or so and 3/8 to ½” socket adaptor
Knife and a Razor scraper – For diff gasket
1-1/8” Wrench for high steer bolts-
5/16 socket for diff covers must be deep socket
Torx Socket set and cheap folding set
Small and regular vice grips
Screw drivers- At least one large decent flat had for another pry bar.
Torque wrench-foot lbs. Inch pound one you can guess on.
Extensions for socket kit
Small grease gun
File kit
Large and medium crescent wrenches
Needle nose plyers
Allen set and the Allen socket bit for slabs 8MM
Torx Socket set and cheap folding set
Medium sized channel locks
Tarp- Couple big trash bags-don’t want to sit in the mud
Bottle jack 6 or 8 ton 2 ea 4 x 4 wood blocks-used as chocks, work area, with bottle jack.
12” Zip Ties!!!
U-Joints for your front axle-Prob just one spare
U-Joints and straps for drive shafts -2 or 3 is better. The straps are the U-bolt looking things.
Extra PSC hose with fittings- Buy assembled from ORE or a kit you have to make from PSC but the hose is smaller than what ORE uses and you have assemble with a vise.
I carry a trail d-vice but s heavy and I’ve used it once.
Random Metric nuts and bolts- for Sway bar links etc.
Random heater Tubing and hose clamps.
Spare ARB Air Line Kit!!!!
ARB Flat tire kit or somebody else’s but there’s complete and easy to use.
Brake lines
Transfer case bushing-like $3.00 but can mess up your whole day if you don’t have one.
SS bailing wire
Spare lug nuts
Serpentine belt-like $30 at autozone
Diff Fluid – 3 quarts will fill a whole axle not sure if the 80 takes 4.
Tube of Right Stuff Gasket maker.
ATF 3- Quarts- A couple of Oil. 3 Quarts Power Steering, One Brake Fluid
I carry the correct coolant on long trips, not everyone sells.
Gorilla and Electrical Tape
Cheap transfer pump
WD-40 small can
Spare electical wire, spades, and butt. Crimper/wire cutter.
Recovery Strap and tree saver 3-4 shackles-
2-3 snatch blocks
I have a Bubba Rope too but haven’t used yet.
JB Weld
Ratchet straps
Spill kit
Toilet paper
Worklight/flashlight combo
Autosuck 1000
Tools besides sockets and wrench sizes I carry:
½” Breaker bar 18” or so and 3/8 to ½” socket adaptor
Knife and a Razor scraper – For diff gasket
1-1/8” Wrench for high steer bolts-
5/16 socket for diff covers must be deep socket
Torx Socket set and cheap folding set
Small and regular vice grips
Screw drivers- At least one large decent flat had for another pry bar.
Torque wrench-foot lbs. Inch pound one you can guess on.
Extensions for socket kit
Small grease gun
File kit
Large and medium crescent wrenches
Needle nose plyers
Allen set and the Allen socket bit for slabs 8MM
Torx Socket set and cheap folding set
Medium sized channel locks
Tarp- Couple big trash bags-don’t want to sit in the mud
Bottle jack 6 or 8 ton 2 ea 4 x 4 wood blocks-used as chocks, work area, with bottle jack.
12” Zip Ties!!!
U-Joints for your front axle-Prob just one spare
U-Joints and straps for drive shafts -2 or 3 is better. The straps are the U-bolt looking things.
Extra PSC hose with fittings- Buy assembled from ORE or a kit you have to make from PSC but the hose is smaller than what ORE uses and you have assemble with a vise.
I carry a trail d-vice but s heavy and I’ve used it once.
Random Metric nuts and bolts- for Sway bar links etc.
Random heater Tubing and hose clamps.
Spare ARB Air Line Kit!!!!
ARB Flat tire kit or somebody else’s but there’s complete and easy to use.
Brake lines
Transfer case bushing-like $3.00 but can mess up your whole day if you don’t have one.
SS bailing wire
Spare lug nuts
Serpentine belt-like $30 at autozone
Diff Fluid – 3 quarts will fill a whole axle not sure if the 80 takes 4.
Tube of Right Stuff Gasket maker.
ATF 3- Quarts- A couple of Oil. 3 Quarts Power Steering, One Brake Fluid
I carry the correct coolant on long trips, not everyone sells.
Gorilla and Electrical Tape
Cheap transfer pump
WD-40 small can
Spare electical wire, spades, and butt. Crimper/wire cutter.
Recovery Strap and tree saver 3-4 shackles-
2-3 snatch blocks
I have a Bubba Rope too but haven’t used yet.
JB Weld
Ratchet straps
Spill kit
Toilet paper
Worklight/flashlight combo
Autosuck 1000

Can I just come wheel with you and pay you an "upfront rental fee" to be able to use something out of your kit if necessary?! :D:D All kidding aside, great list!
Fuses for your application

Glow sticks (chem light)

Radiator hoses

8 lb sledge hammer (handle cut off at 18"). It fixes everything.

Fuel pump

Extra lug nuts

Rtv silicone

Window cleaner

Extra battery (welding/camp lighting)


Welding setup and rod

1/4" x 1" flat steel bars.
I'd be curious to see some of the insides of your jeeps with all this stuff. I've started collected trail items like tools and stuff. Just trying to figure out a good way to organize/pack everything in there so it's not just thrown in, lol.

Good topic tho, nice to actually see a detailed list!
Zip ties. Most of the guys I wheel with are mechanics and trailer their rigs with enough tools to rebuild a jeep in the parking area if need be. But they always forget zip ties. Which makes me somewhat useful. Being that my slowly growing set of tools is laughable compared to theirs.
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