Tom Woods Says Eddie Oh from WAYALIFE is an Asshole

No. I have not watched the video as my comment isn't about the content of the video, but the un-adult-like activity that is taking place. If you're such a pillar of the Jeeping community, why would one stoop down to grade-school level mischief and bullying.... "you said something I don't like, so I'm going to have all my buddies go heckle you."

Pot meet kettle. Why would one stoop down to grade-school level mischief and show up just to start random drama on a thread that was already dying?
I don't claim to be anything specifically. I have been "here" since before then. I merely found I had not registered on this site back in January. I was active on the original forum (jk-forum) for a while, but the attitude demonstrated here is kinda what pushed me away from participation. I tend to participate in forums where voicing one's opinion doesn't result in name calling and heckling. Those of you, yes you too Eddie, are doing nothing for the community other than serving your self righteous pride.

All I did was ask a question. No. I have not watched the video as my comment isn't about the content of the video, but the un-adult-like activity that is taking place. If you're such a pillar of the Jeeping community, why would one stoop down to grade-school level mischief and bullying.... "you said something I don't like, so I'm going to have all my buddies go heckle you."

I'm going to screen shot this and see how long it takes you to ban me and delete my comments for voicing my opinion on your own website because I disagree with you.

Sure, there are some good things that your videos and forums have done for others in the Jeeping community, but your attitude outside the video is pathetic. Takes some credibility away from you. I'm not hating you, Eddie. Nor your keyboard trigger happy buddies. Just stating the things I've seen. The way you roll right into condescending remarks in your responses. Not cool. Still I asked a question. You didn't answer it, you just dropped insults.

LOL - so please, do yourself and everyone here a HUGE favor, take your screen shot and spend more of your time on your other forums. I promise you, NOBODY will miss you. :thumb:
LOL - so please, do yourself and everyone here a HUGE favor, take your screen shot and spend more of your time on your other forums. I promise you, NOBODY will miss you. :thumb:

Best "advice" I've seen from you in a while.

I don't claim to be anything specifically. I have been "here" since before then. I merely found I had not registered on this site back in January. I was active on the original forum (jk-forum) for a while, but the attitude demonstrated here is kinda what pushed me away from participation. I tend to participate in forums where voicing one's opinion doesn't result in name calling and heckling. Those of you, yes you too Eddie, are doing nothing for the community other than serving your self righteous pride.

All I did was ask a question. No. I have not watched the video as my comment isn't about the content of the video, but the un-adult-like activity that is taking place. If you're such a pillar of the Jeeping community, why would one stoop down to grade-school level mischief and bullying.... "you said something I don't like, so I'm going to have all my buddies go heckle you."

I'm going to screen shot this and see how long it takes you to ban me and delete my comments for voicing my opinion on your own website because I disagree with you.

Sure, there are some good things that your videos and forums have done for others in the Jeeping community, but your attitude outside the video is pathetic. Takes some credibility away from you. I'm not hating you, Eddie. Nor your keyboard trigger happy buddies. Just stating the things I've seen. The way you roll right into condescending remarks in your responses. Not cool. Still I asked a question. You didn't answer it, you just dropped insults.

Eddie doesn’t tell me what to say. If I think you are being a dick, I say it. I do think you are a dick, by the way.

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