To much power?

you might be rite! he may be an expert at what he is doing. but to me it looks like he is hitting "on" and holding on... doesnt even look like steering is an option since the rig is literally going where-ever it wants to. but again, he is probably doing it perfect! :confused:

andrew -
you might be rite! he may be an expert at what he is doing. but to me it looks like he is hitting "on" and holding on... doesnt even look like steering is an option since the rig is literally going where-ever it wants to. but again, he is probably doing it perfect! :confused:

I tell my girlfriend this all the time...she claims its all too fast...I just "hit the on switch, hold on, rig does whatever it wants" she's just along for the ride" :rock:

P.S. she's never seen/been offroading with me :brows:

That guys is a joke although a pretty chill guy .... Timmy Cameron is his name and lives here in town (Franklin/ Spring Hill TN) and we went to high school together... He himself has no money, his father and Grandfather are very wealthy and after highschool gave him a selfserve carwash that he runs ... the buggies are short lived ... Timmy has made bad business with a guy (Dan who owns Eagle Machine - Columbia TN) who builds them for him and will no longer make the custom parts for the Hydro steering, axles, and cages... once he tears them up, its pay Dan the 100k he is owed or have a broken buggy... since no one close by will deal business with him due to lack of payment ....

As it goes for the trails... most of the videos come from local offroad parks "Wheelin in the country" and "Wooleys Offroad" he could care less what he tears up in the woods he only cares about peoples attention ... when he decides he is going to take a buggie out he and his friend post countless posts up on Facebook, twitter, ect to tell everyone when and where just to get an audience ... its kinda sad... I have been told he didnt even unload his rig one of the last times out because "there weren't enough people there to watch"...

As for me I think he is good at full throttle hill climbs ... but I have no respect for him ... Sorry for being a little brash but i've known him for 15 years ...
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