Tips, Tricks and Drill bits for JK flimsy as crap sheet metal


Active Member
:mad: GOD DANG IT. MOTHER EFFER. Started trying to put on my rocker skins. 2nd hole, the metal started warping. So, I stopped. what am i doing wrong? i started with a punch then a pilot hole. i thought i should step the drill bits up. the skins i have require a final 17/32 drill bit which is a stupid odd size.

also, there's no way the nutserts and bolts can fit without drilling the second layer of sheet metal.
If the holes are warped slightly you can straighten those out with a ball peen hammer or such. There were a couple holes that you do have to drill through two layers of sheetmetal in order to get clearance for the nutserts to fit.

Isn't it fun drilling the shit out of your nice sheetmetal? :crazyeyes: Not to worry - it's worth it in the end - but that's not one of the more fun things I've installed on my Jeep. My wife walked out into my garage when I was installing my skins and told me I was retarded for ruining my Jeep. :cheesy:
yea, i've got step drill bits. the problem is that damned 17/32 final hole.

I don’t exactly remember but I’m pretty sure i was able to go a size smaller, in your case 1/2”, and was able to fit the nutsert in there.
I use a 4 step process. First i center punch every hole. Then I drill a 1/8” pilot hole, 3/8 spot weld cutter, and then run a 25/64 but after that. You have to take your time in order to be fast. Otherwise you will fuck this all up and every time you walk by it you’ll notice which ones are fucked up. That’s why people pay me to do this for them.

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The hole will never come out to a 7/32 hole even with the bit, use a step drill until the insert pops in. All my holes looked perfect
The hole will never come out to a 7/32 hole even with the bit, use a step drill until the insert pops in. All my holes looked perfect

^^^This^^^ I think I used the 1/2" drill bit as I didn't have the required size. It was a 1/2" pilot point bit from dewalt. After I finished the first one I tried the nutsert and it wen tin snugly so I went with it. Just wish I had bought or borrowed a nutsert tool instead of using the "tool" included with my skins..haha.
When I installed my rocker skins from Nemisus on my 07 there were only a couple holes with the second layer of sheet metal that needed to be dealt with. I just took a punch & beat the second layer in until I had enough clearance

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