Tips on how to Avoid Bear Attacks

I'm embarrassed to admit that this video is from one of my local news stations here in RI. I know a girl that works at that station and she said that quite a few of her coworkers got in trouble for letting that clip on the air. Pretty funny stuff though.:blush:
If I'm chased down by a bear I will spray it with my .45 ! By the way. someone said they saw a bear by Snake Lake. I have been there many times.Maybe I'll be more careful when I let my 30 LB. Cocker Spaniel run around !
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If I'm chased down by a bear I will spray it with my .45 ! By the way. someone said they saw a bear by Snake Lake. I have been there many times.Maybe I'll be more careful when I let my 30 LB. Cocker Spaniel run around !

Pssssst.....that better be a "cowboy" .45 (.45 long); otherwise, your just pissing them off. .44mag for a hangun, otherwise 12 ga. w/ slugs, high powered rifle.

Sent from a a few tin cans and some string.
There are lots of great bear repellants out there like the above mentioned .375, .44, and .45 cals.
Here's my favorite. If the bear gets past this guy I guess the only thing left in your bag of tricks is use the reporter's tips.:cheesy:
Desert Eagle .50 cal.jpg
Don't need a big gun if you know how to use it!
View attachment 67389

Haha! That's great!

I spoke with local ranger that works Montrose~Gunnison area. He uses bean bag rounds with bears. He trapped a nuisance bear at our neighbors place down the road. I still laugh the he used jelly donuts to lure the bear into the cage.

Ranger Ron said a black bear will rarely do anything to you and if does, fight back, hard!

Sent from a a few tin cans and some string.
Ummmmmm what???? about bears again??????

Nope, they fired her after her latest quasi-journalistic report. This one was basically her filming herself doing handstands outside the Rhode Island Convention Center while they were holding auditions for America's Got Talent. However, the photo above and the article I just linked is a story about how her life has been thrust into turmoil since her firing.
This guy almost did it right, until he fell.

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