Tips on how to Avoid Bear Attacks


Staff member
Just saw this video - apparently, it was on a local news station after one man's confrontation with a 300-pound bear in Rhode Island. Enjoy :D

Lol. Wtf is that lady thinking? She smoked some crack before that report. I'm surprised they didn't have someone in a bear suit or something. I guess she hasn't seen that movie "Without a Paddle". Abort the fetal position, abort!!!!
That's actually all good advice, even though she made it look like a joke. We're going camping in Mammoth Lakes the end if the month. All the bear websites say the same thing. Also carrying some bear spray.
Best bear defense - go with a friend that runs slower than u rofl

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Whenever I think there might be a bear around, I always carry a net gun. (2004, post hurricane Charley)

PGI-Bear 1 .jpg

Plus it looks cool.

I was fully expecting someone in a bear suit to jump out from behind her. :eek:
Would have made the video much more interesting in my book. :D
We met up in Stokes Forest, NJ at the Dairy Queen on 206. While we were waiting a black bear came out of the woods to check out the back of the Dairy Queen. My son saw it and told my friends wife. She spoke loudly, and the bear looked at them. The it ran back into the woods.
Friend of mine has hiked the pacific crest trail from mexico to canada two times now and seen 40 something bears in that time. The bell is popular for hiking but doesn't help when you are sleeping. Keep the food 100 or more feet from camp and when you hear the snorting in the middle of the night start out in a normal voice and then start yelling while putting on your shoes haha.
Thanks Jeff. Yes, she is a 3 year old Australian shepherd.

I thought so but with all of the copper color around her face I was not 100% sure. We have a pair of Aussies, blood sisters one litter apart. One is the Blue Merle with 2 ice blue eyes and the other is a Black Tri color. Really cool dogs. I will have to get a few pics and post them up as I don't have any at work. Thanks! :thumb:

Found a couple of pics with them in the Jeep wearing their Doggles.

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