Tie rod

Seems like we need a metallurgist on this thread? :thinking:

I have the Currie. Beefy as hell. Like anything else, if you can afford it, buy it. If not, buy whatever is in your budget, but a) don't bitch about it when it fails, b) certainly don't try to convince other people to go that same route just because you did (even worse if you try to sound like some authority on the subject), and c) please stop citing vendor recommendations as the "gold standard" for parts. They are most often based on profit margins, not real world experience.

My $0.02.
^^^ This

I'm considering cheeping out, but it has nothing to do with it being the "best" solution. I simply have to balance certain finances.

The thing is, there is no grey on the Internet. If someone says "this is the best" it must mean everything else sucks. So then people yell "my shit don't stink!"

It's a weird phenomenon. The narcissism of small differences.
Hey, don't YELL at me or I'm taking off my Wayalife stickers. 

It is sad actually. Why should you be different than anyone else giving an opinion. I don't mean that in a bad way, but you know what I mean. 

LOL!! Wouldn't make any difference to me even if you did mean it in a bad way.

^^^ This

I'm considering cheeping out, but it has nothing to do with it being the "best" solution. I simply have to balance certain finances.

If finances are a concern, why get anything at all. I've seen your tie rod and you can definitely make it work. Or, are you just looking for a reason to justify what you want to spend you money on?

The thing is, there is no grey on the Internet. If someone says "this is the best" it must mean everything else sucks. So then people yell "my shit don't stink!"

It's a weird phenomenon. The narcissism of small differences.

Don't know how you can say that. We are after all talking about components that can be measured by size, gauged based on the materials they're made out of and performance based on their design. If you break things down to just the facts, there are NO gray areas. The only gray areas are in the opinions people have. Some people work off of what they've read on the internet, others base it off of what they've been sold on and still others go off of what they have seen and experienced. You have the choice to do the hard research yourself and come to your own conclusions OR, you can go off of the opinions of others.
LOL!! Wouldn't make any difference to me even if you did mean it in a bad way.

If finances are a concern, why get anything at all. I've seen your tie rod and you can definitely make it work. Or, are you just looking for a reason to justify what you want to spend you money on?

Don't know how you can say that. We are after all talking about components that can be measured by size, gauged based on the materials they're made out of and performance based on their design. If you break things down to just the facts, there are NO gray areas. The only gray areas are in the opinions people have. Some people work off of what they've read on the internet, others base it off of what they've been sold on and still others go off of what they have seen and experienced. You have the choice to do the hard research yourself and come to your own conclusions OR, you can go off of the opinions of others.

I obviously didn't make my point well!

The only gray areas are in the opinions people have.

That was what I tried and failed to say.

Note to self. Post more in the morning time. Less in the evening.
Just my opinion so take it with a grain of salt.....I bought my 1st Jeep a year ago joined several local Jeep clubs. I got to inspect a lot of modified Jeeps, wheel with them and got to talk with a lot of owners and their opinions. I decided to finally bite the bullet and upgrade. Why did I choose Eddie's recommendations (even thought I never met him) before others I have personally met? Because of this forum and seeing his video's and pictures, he cut's through all the bullshit and recommends what he feels is the best upgrade. I have talked to a lot of Jeep owners and have ask for opinions always making sure they know I am new to the Jeep brand. Most of the recommendations are for cheap budget upgrades made in China. They always advised me to try something cheap and if it breaks upgrade to the next level. To me that is a waste of time and money. I don't want to break down on the trail or road using inferior parts.

Before I purchased my Jeep I was off roading in the Land Rover brand (still do) so I know that it means a lot of $$$ for upgrades. You don't get off cheap using inferior products because if it caused your Land Rover to fail you will end up paying more $$$$$$ than the cheap brand you decided to install. An example I got suckered in by a vendors recommendation when my old Warn failed and I wanted a new one with Synthetic I was told a Warn VR10000 is the way to go, better than my 10 year old Warn. I took the vendors word for it. First time I had to use it was in Colorado up near Hans peak. I got stuck in mud and water both filling up the inside of my rig. Figured it was time to use my new Warn. It failed on the first use. It would not engage. Suffice to say the person in front of me had a functional winch and was able to pull me out. When I got back home I took it to the vendor (4wheelpar...) and they replaced the unit. Little did I know after I joined this forum that the Warn unit that was sold to me was a China made product. I still have that China made replacement unit, if I had known it was not good I would have not allowed them to replace it with the exact same unit. Caveat emptor.
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I would not buy my synergy High Drag Link again. had some issues with installation errors due to some direction issues, got them on the phone and they explained that the instructions were meant for someone doing a driveway install not a professional install. ( instructions expected over boring of holes etc.. ). Seem to have some issues clicking in the steering now. Wish i would've gone with the simple Evo flip.
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