Threaded rod ends


Caught the Bug
About ready to build a new set of control arms for my JT. On my last set I used Synergy DDB on both ends. The bushings did every thing I asked of them but they only have L.H. threads. I’d like to get a set that offer both threads, that are not high maintenance. Any suggestions?
Johnny joints would be my second choice.
I don’t feel I’m lazy, but I don’t get a warm fuzzy feeling about greasing the control arms. The Metalcloak end looks attractive until I watched the animation. I don’t care for the thought of the bushing spinning in the arm housing. I’m really happy with the movement of the Synergy bushings but for the threads. What ends are you using?
I don’t feel I’m lazy, but I don’t get a warm fuzzy feeling about greasing the control arms. The Metalcloak end looks attractive until I watched the animation. I don’t care for the thought of the bushing spinning in the arm housing. I’m really happy with the movement of the Synergy bushings but for the threads. What ends are you using?
I have both . Metalcloak on my JK and Johnny joints on my TJ . Unless you live in a wet muddy climate grease don’t wear out. Johnny joints are easily rebuilt and don’t need a ton of grease. I’ve 0 issues with either
Core 4x4 comes with Johnny Joints on both ends. If your dead set on building your own arms, go for it. I just don't understand why you'd want to go through the trouble.
I don’t feel I’m lazy, but I don’t get a warm fuzzy feeling about greasing the control arms. The Metalcloak end looks attractive until I watched the animation. I don’t care for the thought of the bushing spinning in the arm housing. I’m really happy with the movement of the Synergy bushings but for the threads. What ends are you using?
look at Clayton Offroad ends, I think they offer both RH and LH
After watching many videos on ends, there are more options out there than I realized. Also, trying to stay away from serviceable ends, might not be the right direction. One thought that has stuck in my head was isolation. I never would have given it much thought as long as I stayed away from heim, but it was mentioned many times. My question now is, how a rebuildable end like a Metalcloak Duraflex style cartridge compares to the Johnny Joint style in ride comfort. The ends that most peaked my interest were from Ballistic because they have the ability to be tightened in the future, and they have a robust 3in end capable of hanging on a trailing arm. Is this over thinking or is it noticeable?
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