This will be my last post here as sometimes the shoe just doesn't fit

Let me see if I can put some perspective on this whole debacle. When you are a brand new member and one of your first ten posts looks something like this:

Those of us that have been in the game for a while are, for good reason, skeptical of your intentions. A few questions come to mind. (1) Why just offer this up to Wayalifers now when you need to fill two spots? (2) Why didn't you post up the run on Wayalife from the get go? (3) Where did you post up the run and who did you invite?

Was Overlander quick to judge? Absolutely! Were his instincts correct? You bet your fucking ass they were.

This forum is not that different in some respects than real life friendships. If you want them to work, you have to invest a little bit of yourself. For some people that is too much to ask. If you pop in here when it suits your needs or benefits you...your welcome is going to be short-lived and the real members of the forum will quickly sniff you out.

All of that is fine by me. To each their own. Just don't cry a river when you get called out for being what you actually are. A douche in sheep's clothing is still a douche.

Can you make this reply a sticky so that all of the butthurt trolls can be directed to it?
So if I wanted to put out feelers for a run what would be the proper way to do so??? Just checking bc after reading this thread I'm not sure I'd want to ask.
Please advise

Proceed with extreme caution as the Nazi forum police and his minions will invade your thread.
There is already a CO thread for CO runs: However, you could start your own at anytime. Just post a new thread or even add a question on that existing thread to see where people are at. There's a run going on on 6/18. The last post in that thread gives the info about it.

What happened at the beginning of this thread was different. I don't know the OP or his intentions, but it appeared he needed 2 more spots and turned to WAL as a last resort which was he was called out on. Then from there, he just trolled away and turned into a baby.
Boy you could not be more wrong if you tried. I did not "need two more spots" I offered them to forum members and was lambasted for doing so. You keep drinking the coolaid and go back to your junk yard build as you said you were going to do or did you need to try and crawl up overlanders ass a little further?
Use common sense. If you want to post up a run. Do it.

If you want to "post up a run" which means you direct people to your Facebook group, other forum, blog, YouTube channel. You are violating rules.

You're an asshole to think that "after reading this thread" you'd have a problem posting up a run.
I agree 100% you are a complete asshole
Are you fucking kidding me? If I was new to this forum and this was one of the first threads I came across, I'd be asking the same question. So follow the rules but don't ask questions about the rules...until you fuck up and then you're gonna get bombarded with "why didn't you follow the rules". Know exactly how you're supposed to act when you come to Wayalife but never ask about it.
I agree with you 100% sir. Thank you for that...
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