This is why I'm broke...

Since I'm pretty much an international big ballin' highroller, most of my weekly shopping is done exclusively on this site (to include my groceries). However, since the nerd side of me tries to live in a complete ultimate hi-definition world, amazon has saved me in a few rare instances when I needed what I need, by needing it now! Just picked this bad boy up for some reason or another, all I know it's the best.

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Since I'm pretty much an international big ballin' highroller, most of my weekly shopping is done exclusively on this site (to include my groceries). However, since the nerd side of me tries to live in a complete ultimate hi-definition world, amazon has saved me in a few rare instances when I needed what I need, by needing it now! Just picked this bad boy up for some reason or another, all I know it's the best.

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lol, love this one!!:cheesy::cheesy:

"About two weeks ago I noticed a branch knocking against the side of my house during a windstorm - which quickly became a bother. Not having any rope handy, I did a quick online search of $7,000 power cables and came across this beauty. Two and a half weeks later the branch is tied back with the cable, the gorgeous silver connectors are gleaming in the summer sun, and I'm enjoying a tall iced tea in my hammock. Highly recommended. "
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