They're not drones

So you believe out of all of those billions of dots of light in the night sky that we are the only intelligent life and the only ones with the ability to travel? Just curious.
Fair point...many people find it hard to believe that Earth is unique in hosting intelligent life, especially when considering the vast number of stars and planets in the universe.

Based on the absence of concrete evidence, I am skeptical.

So do you believe it's unreasonable to believe we might be alone in the universe? Just curious.

A forum thread dedicated to discussing the possibilities of extraterrestrial life might be appropriate, don't you think?
Fair point...many people find it hard to believe that Earth is unique in hosting intelligent life, especially when considering the vast number of stars and planets in the universe.

Based on the absence of concrete evidence, I am skeptical.

So do you believe it's unreasonable to believe we might be alone in the universe? Just curious.

A forum thread dedicated to discussing the possibilities of extraterrestrial life might be appropriate, don't you think?

That'd be a cool thread. This is a fascinating subject I've grown up with since the 70's when I was a kid. Good info was dismal back then so you had to read books and magazines & naively believed most of it. Now, info is everywhere and most of it is laughable while some of it is compelling, and probably 5% of if is like, woah, ok what the fuck is that?!

I'm still formulating my own personal theory about what all of 'this' means, and not just UFO's. I think there's a much bigger story here than just some flying saucers from another planet. The size & mysteries of the universe(multiverse?) the true history of our planet, the exact placement of our moon, How the Egyptian pyramids and also the ones Central & south America, India, China, were built, etc. The commonalities in every religion, yet we fight & kill each other over stupid shit that really doesn't matter, etc.

I think a large part of the phenomenon has to deal with perception and how our brain & consciousness are wired to deal with our environment.
I don't think we are anywhere close to having the math to figure out what and how these things work, although I believe we do have retrieved multiple craft & biologicals. But I don't think the biologicals are actually 'them'. They're just a go-between. Look how close we are to integrating the brain with electronics - ie, Neuralink. If some race is thousands of tears older than us, could they possibly have figured out how to break away from needing an actual physical form?

lol, I could go on......
A forum thread dedicated to discussing the possibilities of extraterrestrial life might be appropriate, don't you think?
That'd be a cool thread.

That'd be a cool thread. This is a fascinating subject I've grown up with since the 70's when I was a kid. Good info was dismal back then so you had to read books and magazines & naively believed most of it. Now, info is everywhere and most of it is laughable while some of it is compelling, and probably 5% of if is like, woah, ok what the fuck is that?!

I'm still formulating my own personal theory about what all of 'this' means, and not just UFO's. I think there's a much bigger story here than just some flying saucers from another planet. The size & mysteries of the universe(multiverse?) the true history of our planet, the exact placement of our moon, How the Egyptian pyramids and also the ones Central & south America, India, China, were built, etc. The commonalities in every religion, yet we fight & kill each other over stupid shit that really doesn't matter, etc.

I think a large part of the phenomenon has to deal with perception and how our brain & consciousness are wired to deal with our environment.
I don't think we are anywhere close to having the math to figure out what and how these things work, although I believe we do have retrieved multiple craft & biologicals. But I don't think the biologicals are actually 'them'. They're just a go-between. Look how close we are to integrating the brain with electronics - ie, Neuralink. If some race is thousands of tears older than us, could they possibly have figured out how to break away from needing an actual physical form?

lol, I could go on......

It would be a very cool thread!

Years back I read a fiction book and the premise was the whole Roswell alien event was manufactured in order to make the Soviets believe that the US had recovered alien technology so they would be unsure what our true ability was and be hesitant to attack Western Europe. At that time the Soviets had an advantage in rocket technology due to recovering most of the German V2 sites. The US even ‘allowed’ Soviet agents to believe they had penetrated the program so they could report back we had alien technology.

Another aspect to consider about aliens is the concept of advanced life not being peaceful, but in fact violent, basic outcome of the Survival of the fittest. Many advanced scientists believe that any life form that is capable of traveling across the galaxy would in fact be violent not passive and peaceful so they are completely against earth advertising it’s location through the sending out of probes or broadcasting signals.

Lastly- from my own lifelong experience war and violence are mankind’s favorite pastimes. It’s what we do, for better or worse. I don’t think that will ever change- unfortunately.
As much as I’m down to see some Aliens… I think the Government is doing what they do best… fuckin with peoples minds… Distraction, Fear and Manipulation so they can “Save” us.
On the current cluster yes, but in general, there is no way that we’re the only living beings in this or any other universe.
100% the deep state, or whatever you want to call it, is behind a lot of this deception and has been since the late 40's. I definitely think we may have cracked some tech, but to the extent that we have craft capable of instantaneous acceleration IDK.
But going back through history there have been sightings of these orbs in every part of the globe. There are thousands of depictions from cave art to hieroglyphics, to religious paintings, etc depicting 'crafts' of some sort. Foo Fighters during WWII are well documented. We sure as shit didn't have anything like this back then.

Another angle: Anyone ever watch The Abyss

Fair point...many people find it hard to believe that Earth is unique in hosting intelligent life, especially when considering the vast number of stars and planets in the universe.

Based on the absence of concrete evidence, I am skeptical.

So do you believe it's unreasonable to believe we might be alone in the universe? Just curious.

A forum thread dedicated to discussing the possibilities of extraterrestrial life might be appropriate, don't you think?

This one's as good a place as any 👍
Since the Feds say there is no danger and they won't offer up any of the information they have proving such, I'd venture a guess that it's a Fed program that they don't want us to know anything about.

Anytime the Feds tell you to not worry- you should definitely worry! Additionally you should also conclude that they really have no fucking idea what they are doing and that the ‘experts’ are clueless and about to do something that is NOT in your best interest.

Edit to add this. The Fed-Gov is far more concerned about avoiding general panic and maintaining national order than it is about the safety of the general public. Continuity of Operations is a priority not saving citizens’ lives. If a comet were crashing into the earth tomorrow you would not hear about it from the Feds. They would all be moved to safety but you’re expendable. Sorry!
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