Thermal imaging

This is actually very entertaining.
Diff gets hot. Not one I usually think of…
Yeah I had some issues in the past with the rear diff. I shared some other pics with Dynatrac showing showing similar temps around 150 ish . The Dynatrac engineers said that was a normal temp after an extended run ( 20+ mile commute) . Towing would be a different story though and gear break in , after the first 500 miles changing your gear oil and inspecting is mandatory .
This is actually very entertaining.
Diff gets hot. Not one I usually think of…
Diff gets stupid hot and its something you need to pay attention to when breaking in new gears
Yeah I remember needing to check diff fluid once and a shop replaced an axle for me and I was leaking on the way home from the trail. Couldn't get the drain bolt off because they decided to impact it on or something. So I grabbed a breaker bar and then the diff after driving at 80 for like two hours. It was very hot. lol
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