I've debated for a little bit about posting this, but I want it out on the open here. I wouldn't normally post a private message, however, it's not from this site and it came out of the blue. This is a hateful private message I received on Jeep Forum. This post came out of the blue and it turns out the guy that posted it hasn't posted over there for 5 years! Also, I can't find a record of him here nor anywhere on the web. Also, in his post, he makes it very clear that he doesn't wish to be here nor does he own a JK. Please read the following, then I have more text to post below it.
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So, to start with.......I'm far from perfect. If I come across as a douchebag to some, I apologize right now in front of everybody. However, as stated in the picture above, I love this place. There is good humor here. Sure there are probably times I could tune it down as well as others could, but then there's times where shit just needs to be stated as is. I have no idea where this dude's PM came from and he hasn't written me back.
Let me tell you about me in relation to Wayalife, so you all know.
I watched the videos for years. Didn't even know about the forum. I saw the Wayalife name pop across the screen often. One day, I was looking at the store for stickers and saw the forum link, I joined. At this point, had no knowledge it was primarily JKs. First day, I kinda got my ass handed to me, especially by OverlanderJK (if you can imagine that happening). Who, by the way, I've actually come to like. His posts are short and sweet and to the point and he often adds humor. After a short time here, I would say that I loved the site, but it was interesting, lot of interesting people come and go and usually end up with their own threads too.

It didn't take much research after joining to find out a lot of people hate this place. And most of the hate was repetitive claims (as if rather than a personal experience, they just read something on the internet and reposted it) So, for those of you wondering, why am I here since I don't have a JK, and why so many posts? I enjoy it here. It's fun. I love seeing others builds, I may own a JK someday, my wife and I talk about it regularly. I love helping people with what I've learned, I love the passion that Eddie and Cindy have for sharing their adventures and knowledge. And I do enjoy posting humor in the threads where appropriate. There was a recent thread by GraniteCrystal if there was a better way to coach or correct newbies that come here and break the rules, etc. I feel that thread had a good amount of constructive criticism too. When those 'newbie' threads come out, I may interject a sarcastic meme and try to add humor to it, but I try really hard not to just post an offensive or doragatory post directly toward the person. With that being said, if they go 'full jackass' like 'seat cover muscle boy' the other day and start talking shit, why wouldn't I stand up for this place? I don't post a lot on Jeepforum. Main reason for that is that is that there is a ton of WJers over there and those tech threads fill up really quick and there's not a need to add redundancy to what others have already said unless I can add more or if I disagree with them. I post when I can.
So with all that being said. I again apologize in front of everybody if I act like a douchebag sometimes but really do enjoy supporting this community. That's all.