The Official I Hate wayoflife / Eddie Thread

All biases and opinions aside(I'm not much into politics), it's unbelievable what some people will write online behind the safety of their computer. I take anyone's opinion with a grain of salt, why are these people so angry about yours? They said some pretty mean and personal stuff that crosses the line significantly. Either way, it's funny that you guys call them out and for the record, I'm into it.
Ive been wondering if they have one, you would have loved the "standoff" last time we were there.

I am headed back east next year and so wish I could schedule time to make it down there but just don't think it'll work. It's a long ass drive from Maine.
I am headed back east next year and so wish I could schedule time to make it down there but just don't think it'll work. It's a long ass drive from Maine.

I'd pay money to see the fall out from you appearing at RC. :yup: :cheesy:
Man that was too funny! It was like being in the middle of you got served, jeep style.

Of course, being a public forum you can bet they'll be there the 18th. And the trip after and the trip after.

Yknow. Just because.


Overlander, let us know when you're in Maine, we (the New England Wayalifers) might be able to meet up somewhere and wheel! :driving:
I am headed back east next year and so wish I could schedule time to make it down there but just don't think it'll work. It's a long ass drive from Maine.

At least your going to Maine, a real New England state and not that phony one you are from! :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
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