Haha, why do these clowns put you on a pedestal ? Then get offended and act like you should be a role model for a bunch of adults? Your opinion should always be a positive one and we should (jeep community ) get into a circle jerk together.
Haha, why do these clowns put you on a pedestal ? Then get offended and act like you should be a role model for a bunch of adults? Your opinion should always be a positive one and we should (jeep community ) get into a circle jerk together.
Imagine if Eddie was in the pop music industry what he would do..I wonder if Britney would get this much flack if she was in the jeep industry and said "Metaljoke"...haha
Alot of them seem to be just looking for something to be mad about and someone to preach at from their soap box. They treat Eddie like he is a huge Corporation that has to be pc about everything and dance around trying not to offend anyone. This reminds me of the big deal over a tweet by Dave and busters yesterday... a huge uproar over a funny comment. Only in this senario, Eddie is just a dude posting a funny picture and giving his opinion on a product. But to some, the troll must go on!
Alot of them seem to be just looking for something to be mad about and someone to preach at from their soap box. They treat Eddie like he is a huge Corporation that has to be pc about everything and dance around trying not to offend anyone. This reminds me of the big deal over a tweet by Dave and busters yesterday... a huge uproar over a funny comment. Only in this senario, Eddie is just a dude posting a funny picture and giving his opinion on a product. But to some, the troll must go on!
Agreed, I really don't understand how any-juan can get this upset over a picture and an opinion.
Agreed, I really don't understand how any-juan can get this upset over a picture and an opinion.
And now some tool on jeep owners of America Facebook page is talking shit. I don't know how to do screenshots on my phone though I posted a huge reply to them. Bunch of ignorant people there anyway.
I think he's someone you got into it with over the metalcloak meme. What a toolbox. Matson isn't pissed, why is he?
Funny isn't it? How Matson and I are actually having a cordial conversation and all while the haters out there are hating away. It's just further proof that the haters aren't interested in reason - they just look for a reason to hate. It's almost like a national sport to them.
I'll retract my tool comment about the op, he is just severely misinformed and I did my best to correct his thinking. (didn't work but I tried) It's the rest of the damn people who start chiming in with their shit. Kool aid, elitist, blah blah blah. Thank God for THIS forum. At least we can get an honest opinion here.
Apparently I'm some punk who posted that it was on crawlorado so someone wants to find out who I am since I'm a POS. at least they watch this thread I guess.