The Official I Hate wayoflife / Eddie Thread

If only I would have screen shot some of the stuff from yesterday's WOL fan page on FaceBook.
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After seeing Eddie post a bunch of people's comments, I see a lot of "I heard" or I've seen" etc....doesn't seem anyone has actual personal beef....they are just repeating what they see other forums talk one dude says Eddie sucks, and 905 more are like "yes massaaaaa, he sucks massssa."
After seeing Eddie post a bunch of people's comments, I see a lot of "I heard" or I've seen" etc....doesn't seem anyone has actual personal beef....they are just repeating what they see other forums talk one dude says Eddie sucks, and 905 more are like "yes massaaaaa, he sucks massssa."

So true, and they have the gall to call those of us on this forum sheeple. :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy::thinking:
After seeing Eddie post a bunch of people's comments, I see a lot of "I heard" or I've seen" etc....doesn't seem anyone has actual personal beef....they are just repeating what they see other forums talk one dude says Eddie sucks, and 905 more are like "yes massaaaaa, he sucks massssa."

i like how they twisted the Robert basil incident. surprised they didn't say Eddie knocked over a wounded vet, ran over his wheel chair with moby because he asked if he can trail ride with him. funny how people who don't know the truth twist things up.:crazyeyes:
After seeing Eddie post a bunch of people's comments, I see a lot of "I heard" or I've seen" etc....doesn't seem anyone has actual personal beef....they are just repeating what they see other forums talk one dude says Eddie sucks, and 905 more are like "yes massaaaaa, he sucks massssa."
Believe me I've been on enough forums and all over jeep sites to know that there are a LOTS of people with person beefs with eddie. There are some very upset people for whatever reasons. I don't get into e net bashing on people, but it's plain to see there are some people that are crazy mad.
After seeing Eddie post a bunch of people's comments, I see a lot of "I heard" or I've seen" etc....doesn't seem anyone has actual personal beef....they are just repeating what they see other forums talk one dude says Eddie sucks, and 905 more are like "yes massaaaaa, he sucks massssa."

This is exactly right! Most, if not all of these asshats have never actually met Eddie in person. I have, and I can say with certainty that Eddie and Cindi are very good, down to earth people.
i like how they twisted the Robert basil incident. surprised they didn't say Eddie knocked over a wounded vet, ran over his wheel chair with moby because he asked if he can trail ride with him. funny how people who don't know the truth twist things up.:crazyeyes:

Should have hired David Axelrod for that campaign spin. :D I can see the commercial now, Eddie pushing a vet in a wheelchair off a cliff.
Believe me I've been on enough forums and all over jeep sites to know that there are a LOTS of people with person beefs with eddie. There are some very upset people for whatever reasons. I don't get into e net bashing on people, but it's plain to see there are some people that are crazy mad.

People have their panties in a bunch because of Eddie....lets dissect this....

The only possible way someone can have beef with Eddie is one of two ways...

1) Personal. I have never met Eddie, but from people that met him, it's plainly clear that he is a nice guy and will help whenever possible.

2) Business. Eddie has to eat, he has a wife to feed, kids, and a mortgage to pay for. He runs a business. I don't like the way NYT is run, or CNN, or Chipotle....but IT IS A BUSINESS. Eddie does what he needs to do to earn money. Haters WISH they can do what Eddie does for a living, but they can't, so they hate and create fake beef. I wasn't really around during the JKF days, but can read through the BS. Did Eddie scam anyone? Doubt it. Did he protect his business interests by banning sneaky vendors and protect his paying ones? Im sure....but it's a BUSINESS and it needs to be protected.

If your beef isn't #1, then it's 100% trolldom, as ANYONE that owns a forum would do the same protect it, you protect your advertisers, and you do whatever you need to do to earn more money. Some of these communists fail to realize that Eddie is practicing business 101, don't like it? Start a jeep forum, get members, get sponsors, and put Eddie out of business.
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It just goes to show how many dumb asses are on Facebook. It was repeated many times in Robert's - Fallen Heroes Facebook attack but, it's still being twisted with Facebook lies. Robert Basil was never a part of this run. In fact, he started his rant about the windshield banner two weeks after the run occurred. Nobody knew who he was before this.
People have their panties in a bunch because of Eddie....lets dissect this....

The only possible way someone can have beef with Eddie is one of two ways...

1) Personal. I have never met Eddie, but from people that met him, it's plainly clear that he is a nice guy and will help whenever possible.

2) Business. Eddie has to eat, he has a wife to feed, kids, and a mortgage to pay for. He runs a business. I don't like the way NYT is run, or CNN, or Chipotle....but IT IS A BUSINESS. Eddie does what he needs to do to earn money. Haters WISH they can do what Eddie does for a living, but they can't, so they hate and create fake beef. I wasn't really around during the JKF days, but can read through the BS. Did Eddie scam anyone? Doubt it. Did he protect his business interests by banning sneaky vendors and protect his paying ones? Im sure....but it's a BUSINESS and it needs to be protected.

If your beef isn't #1, then it's 100% trolldom, as ANYONE that owns a forum would do the same protect it, you protect your advertisers, and you do whatever you need to do to earn more money. Some of these communists fail to realize that Eddie is practicing business 101, don't like it? Start a jeep forum, get members, get sponsors, and put Eddie out of business.

Well stated.

by the way I wonder if these clowns bashing Eddie on the other forums have ever received a free product. If they did, then they have nothing to say.


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