The never-ending 'wave' discussion thread


New member
Has anybody ever been driving around in another vehicle besides their Jeep and forgot and waved at another Jeep on the road only to get really awkward looks? Haha Or even worse, the other day I was driving my dads Chevy trailblazer and waved at another trailblazer at a stop light then right after thought to myself "oh yeah, it's only a jeep thing" and awkwardly drove off. I can't be the only one.
Awkward Jeep Wave?

Plenty of times! if I drive my wife's car I usually forget at least once. Then she laughs at me. Lol

My biggest thing is fellow Jeepers not waving back......when they dont, I yell, FUQ UUU then!!!!!
Awkward Jeep Wave?

I live in a small town. When I wave they just look at me like who the F was that. I would turn that wave into a finger, but I just let it go because now its funny to wave and get the weird looks. I wave at every Jeep I see... Its hilarious, my wife always asks why I even bother. I showed her, waved and got a weird ass look, she just started laughing.

Paratroopers stay up longer!
I wave to every Wrangler I see, except YJ's. Wrangler = circle headlights, not square. I've always said YJ stands for 'yuppie jeep' for some odd reason. I'll occasionally drive my moms minivan (embarrassing enough as is) and wave to a Jeep and think, DOH! But more often than not I get the ugly looks from people thinking who the hell is this kid.
Re: Awkward Jeep Wave?

I've never done it but think it almost every time when I'm in the work van.

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My biggest thing is fellow Jeepers not waving back......when they dont, I yell, FUQ UUU then!!!!!

I can't stand that! It should be a requirement for Jeep dealerships should let you know about the wave when they sell the Jeep to people. It's getting annoying. I seem to see more and more people every day not waving back.
Try it from a marked patrol car..... oops!! At least they always wave back, even with single digits!! :cheesy:
I wave to every Wrangler I see, except YJ's. Wrangler = circle headlights, not square. I've always said YJ stands for 'yuppie jeep' for some odd reason.

Haters gonna hate. YJ was the first Jeep to be called a Wrangler. I think Jeep made the headlights square for the one model just to watch jeepers tear each other apart. :D
Awkward Jeep Wave?

When I first bought my 2011 Jeep I didn't know about the wave. I quickly realized its a Jeep thing! I always wave. I figure that the people who don't wave either don't get it or don't love their Jeep as much we do! Like, I tell my wife "I make new Jeep friends everyday." :)
Haha, when I am driving the soon to be wife's "Hybrid" she makes fun of me because I always look at the other Jeeps like I am going to wave but I cant...:doh:
Awkward Jeep Wave?

Haters gonna hate. YJ was the first Jeep to be called a Wrangler. I think Jeep made the headlights square for the one model just to watch jeepers tear each other apart. :D
Seems reasonable. Haha. I've just never in my life understood the square headlights. Some people love, some hate it. I just happen to be one who doesn't like it. In my opinion, they changed away from square headlights for a reason.
I wave to every Wrangler I see, except YJ's. Wrangler = circle headlights, not square. I've always said YJ stands for 'yuppie jeep' for some odd reason. I'll occasionally drive my moms minivan (embarrassing enough as is) and wave to a Jeep and think, DOH! But more often than not I get the ugly looks from people thinking who the hell is this kid.

Why the hate for the YJ brother? you do know the YJ was the FIRST wrangler. Now if you had said Circle = jeep, I would have to agree with you, I don't know why chrysler had to F up that part of it. I still love my little YJ, love at first sight. it took me a couple of years of dating to fall in love with my JKU.

:standing wave:
Seems reasonable. Haha. I've just never in my life understood the square headlights. Some people love, some hate it. I just happen to be one who doesn't like it. In my opinion, they changed away from square headlights for a reason.

I don't prefer squares, but I've grown to like them. But I agree, why the heck did they randomly give them squares?? Maybe just for Jurrassic Park? lol

Awkward Jeep Wave?

Why the hate for the YJ brother? you do know the YJ was the FIRST wrangler. Now if you had said Circle = jeep, I would have to agree with you, I don't know why chrysler had to F up that part of it. I still love my little YJ, love at first sight. it took me a couple of years of dating to fall in love with my JKU.

:standing wave:

Yes I do know the YJ was the first Wrangler. But also, I'm not even 20 years old. So for me when I first started getting into Jeeps, the TJ had circle headlights. That's probably the main reason I dislike the YJ. Don't get me wrong, if the YJ didn't have the square headlights I'd love them. It's just a matter of what I grew up with.
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