The ECONOMY - This is Fine 🤪

It’s all good. Price controls are coming our way 👍🏻
Damn shortages! Before the price was too high but now we can not find anyone willing to stock or sell it!
she was raised a marxist, her foundation is Marxism, her "unburden" tag line is part of a bigger marxist speech used by many tyrants before her.
Companies that continue to support Democrats get what's coming to them, the rest of us have our GO bags ready
Yeah but where do we go?
We really need to get on board with no tax on tips, no tax on overtime, 100% government assistance for those who participated in higher education (but failed to get a diploma), and assist undocumented citizens who entered our country. If we can figure out how to give away more money to these special interests, it might help with this interest payment situation.
We really need to get on board with no tax on tips, no tax on overtime, 100% government assistance for those who participated in higher education (but failed to get a diploma), and assist undocumented citizens who entered our country. If we can figure out how to give away more money to these special interests, it might help with this interest payment situation.
That and don’t forget about tens of billions for Ukrainian clustarfuck and for Israel too.
We really need to get on board with no tax on tips, no tax on overtime , 100% government assistance for those who participated in higher education (but failed to get a diploma), and assist undocumented citizens who entered our country. If we can figure out how to give away more money to these special interests, it might help with this interest payment situation.

There is a huge difference between letting people keep their own money and the Fed-Gov giving money to someone who did not earn it. There is no more stupid of a saying as: “how are we going to pay for these tax cuts?” That’s straight up Statist propaganda that no thinking person should fall for. The Gov does not own our money. The Gov ‘pays’ for tax cuts by not spending our fucking money. Taxes are meant to pay for what a taxpayer uses. Taxes should never be to pay for an individual who has no money, that’s called charity and is not a legitimate function of Fed-Gov.
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