The build/re-build of Gruff

Jerry don't get wild when you get it! it might get you to that meme point you hesitant about!!!!!!!!!

LOL, maybe I'll mix batch up on the net trip Andy. I also seem to remember you mentioning bourbon & cigars...:brows:
Started off getting the maintenance stuff out of the way Saturday. First up was rad change. Been noticing several spots on the floor the past couple months. Not many pics. this is standard issue stuff. Surprisingly, I thought it was harder removing the old rad than it was putting the new one back in. And GraniteCrystal if you read this I DIDN'T have to remove my winch to remove the grille. Not sure why I didn't try harder the last time I had to remove it.

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Left the grill inserts off this time. getting kinda dingy & faded anyways. Time for a repaint & reinstall some other time.

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Also removed my spacers. Gonna give it a try this weekend & see how the clearances are. Taking them with me just in case ;)

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Made a lift kit for the passenger seat from 2" round aluminum bar stock. My wife is 5' and can't see over the dash bar from the Rockhard cage I installed a few weeks ago. Says she feels like a little kid riding the Jeep anymore. These should help!

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Love that bumper! Which one is it?
Not too many new things but I am installing an I-pad in the Carrichs dash mount tomorrow - thanks GraniteCrystal for that great write-up BTW. I plan on referring to it the whole time.
Also cut in a new trail over the past couple weekends that's a pretty steep incline. Tried it out today for the first time & its plenty steep, Too bad photos tend to lose the depth perception.





Not too many new things but I am installing an I-pad in the Carrichs dash mount tomorrow - thanks GraniteCrystal for that great write-up BTW. I plan on referring to it the whole time.
Also cut in a new trail over the past couple weekends that's a pretty steep incline. Tried it out today for the first time & its plenty steep, Too bad photos tend to lose the depth perception.

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Is that your backyard Jerry:thinking:
iPad mount

Finally got my iPad all mounted up yesterday. I did do a couple things differently from GraniteCrystals write up.

Being that I don't have power mirrors I don't have the adjustment knob on the lower LH side of the climate control panel. I had a power supply and a worthless hook.
I took both out and ditched the hook but saved the power outlet.
I replaced those with two dual USB ports and attached them to the panel



Quadratrac has this aux power outlet harness online and I used this to relocate the power outlet but only after I modified & extended the whole harness.



Relocated the power outlet to the passenger side foot well. You need quite a bit of space for the whole plug assy to fit into - its fairly long. This is a good spot
as there really isn't anything behind the plug here.


One other thing I'm going to do a little differently is to mount the GPS unit on the top of the Rock Hard roll bar. I ordered one of those KC rollbar clamps. I'll post a pic once its permanenlty mounted tomorrow.


And here it is all finished up. I have to say, this is awesome having this supplementing the radio. Being that its a wireless Ipad I can listen to really anything I want. I have Amazon Music so I can listen to virtually any album anywhere. Pandora radio, webcasts, virtually anything. I'm totally spoiled with this already!


So yesterday and today turned into a couple 'how-to' clinics with my youngest daughter.

She knows how to install and torque the rings on beadlocks now:


We went over some of the basic parts underneath & changed the oil:


And we finished off the day with an impromptu how to use a winch lesson. I got my tractor stuck over the hill waging war with the jagger bushes on the trails and got stuck in some mud. Well, it was a shitload of mud. (more on that later) Didn't help having the brush hog sticking out back dragging all over. Kinda figured it was gonna happen but figured with the Jeep no biggie - I'll just pull it out. Whelp, I got it stuck alright. So I hoofed it back to the house grabbed the Jeep & daughter & figured instead of just pulling it out, we'd go over how to use a winch properly. Showed her how to use the Gator Jaw soft shackles, rope, & hung the rear placemat over the winch line. Worked perfectly - she did it all by herself & got the tractor unstuck.
Unhooked everything & headed back to the house, with her driving the Jeep.




This is the later part. See all of the mud caked in the tires? Well I didn't at first & as I was driving back (she was way ahead of me) I flashed to that detail.


Before I got to her she tore off in the driveway emptying the tires of all that mud instead of driving through the
fields. :doh:

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