You rang!? Hahah.
P.S. Now would be a good time to do the t-stat housing too if you didn't do it already. I remember yours may have had a small crack back in October?
Of course in October I only had 35,000 miles so warranty covered the housing replacement. Now, 3000 miles later AFTER warranty expires the damn rad shits the bed.....
Thanks for the tips! That tool looks handy. I never bothered with one of those before...
My man! Lol thats about as thorough as it gets!5]
Right? Who needs Youtube!
catahoula;852213u. I just replaced mine. I'm too far to help but I can give you a link on how to replace if need be. Pretty easy. Got my radiator from Quadretec. Tool from Auto Zone...under $9. Mopar fluid at Auto Zone. Motorcity Mechanic vid.[/QUOTE said:Never thought Quadratech for the rad. I was gonna just go through the dealer but I'll check both them and OSC Cooling that Ryan suggested.
Oh bummer man, hopefully it'll be a smooth fix!
Always seems to be something doesn't it?. At least its more of a pain in the ass than something really significant/expen$ive...