The build and Pics of JeepAlexander14's unnamed Jeep

Haha. Yeah the American flag stickers are great, I always have people coming up to me and asking where to get them but the most popular question is "why is the flag backwards on this side" lol.

I've had to correct a few people because they had their flag stickers on the other way. They looked at me like I was dumb, but then explained the reasoning behind it being "backwards".

Sad to see it go man, but do what's best for you right now. You can always pick back up when you when the time is right. Good luck.
If you haven't already, go start a new thread in the For Sale section. Not sure anyone's going to see that here in your build thread.
Today I made the decision that I am going to sell my jeep. I need something more fuel efficient and better on the highway for college.
All my parts are now for sale if anyone wants to buy some. Willing to trade for cash plus stock parts

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