The Bone Smuggler Thread

He could have said something like, it's a sore subject, I don't want to talk about it. Or, I did a good deed trying to help the guy out and it was never returned. Many things could have been said. I was not trying to stir anything up, just as I said, curious.Certainly Overlander didn't need to interject his smart ass comment as he always does.

If he always does it why would you expect him not to this time? It's not like you were getting singled out . I guess some people like to live in a fake world and don't want anyone to point it out, or have any sense of humour. Keep up the good work Adam! I'll buy you a beer if I ever get the chance.
Being that this guy has been banned and that he states for the record that he's happy to go, I decided to post up the 2 emails that he sent me this afternoon.

-----Original Message-----
From: dahreno - : More than just a Jeep - It's a way of life!
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2014 5:35 PM
Subject: : More than just a Jeep - It's a way of life! Contact Us Form - banned

The following message was sent to you via the : More than just a Jeep - It's a way of life! Contact Us form by dahreno.


I was threatened with a ban from sharkey and I apologized for what I said. What changed ? Was what I said worse then your moderater, Overlander ?Was I banned by Overlander, or someone else ?


Referring Page:
IP Address:
User Name: dahreno
User ID: 3559

Being that I hadn't responded to him in a timely manner, I got this 2 hours later.

-----Original Message-----
From: dahreno - : More than just a Jeep - It's a way of life!
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2014 7:04 PM
Subject: : More than just a Jeep - It's a way of life! Contact Us Form - banned

The following message was sent to you via the : More than just a Jeep - It's a way of life! Contact Us form by dahreno.


I have never been happy with this site, please disregard my last message.I am happy to go.


Referring Page:
IP Address:
User Name: dahreno
User ID: 3559

No, you are a crappy moderator

See what I men by crappy /\/\

Only if that apology was to all the minions and our "daddy" from the bottom of your crappy moderator heart. I have a feeling we are in a toxic moderator/minion relationship, but I can't quit you.

You missed a spot. :bleh:

Hey OverlanderJK.......

What does an adult do when he does not get his way? I don't know what is more sad, me posting this, or dahreno. Its just weird :idontknow:

Screen Shot 2014-05-27 at 8.54.37 AM.jpg
What does an adult do when he does not get his way? I don't know what is more sad, me posting this, or dahreno. Its just weird :idontknow:

View attachment 85333

You go to JKO to hate on me of course! :cheesy: What a surprise!! :crazyeyes:

What's sad is that I met this guy a our last Northern Nevada suds-n-grub. He's probably in his mid 50's and seemed like a nice enough guy in person. In fact, he was one of the last to leave that night as he wanted to keep on talking to me. Go figure.
You go to JKO to hate on me of course! :cheesy: What a surprise!! :crazyeyes:

What's sad is that I met this guy a our last Northern Nevada suds-n-grub. He's probably in his mid 50's and seemed like a nice enough guy in person. In fact, he was one of the last to leave that night as he wanted to keep on talking to me. Go figure.

Thank MTG for that find on JKO.

I hope when I'm in my mid-50's I have more things on my plate than this.
Thank MTG for that find on JKO.

I hope when I'm in my mid-50's I have more things on my plate than this.

I can't take credit...someone sent it to me. But I knew you dug up the pirate thread so I thought you would appreciate it. ;)

Too much drama for me. :crazyeyes:
Like I said before, I believe the Troll badge of honor is getting a Wayalife ban.

My guess is Benito is working toward getting his badge.....
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