The 2017 Great Texas Exodus!

Not to add in/pile on, but I can tell you with 100% confidence that you will be able to run the first 5 days in CO without issue (we had an early 2000s Lexus GX in front of us, and a FJ following us down Black Bear), and I bet that some of Moab would be fun too. Maybe catch a ride on a couple trails, or see if you can budget a few pennies a paycheck to grab a budget boost and some 285's over the next year.

Interesting.. :) thanks for mentioning this

I will see the minimum requirements, and if it's something I can do then I am in!! Work is no issue.

Granite Head is there going to be a cap on this run?
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Interesting.. :)

I will see the minimum requirements, and if it's something I can do then I am in!! Work is no issue.

Granite Head is there going to be a cap on this run?

I would hate to cap it because I think a lot more interest will be generated in the future, especially as details regarding min requirements are figured out. Also, it's not like we all have to run the same stuff at the same time. We can break off into groups and run different trails on different days.
I would hate to cap it because I think a lot more interest will be generated in the future, especially as details regarding min requirements are figured out. Also, it's not like we all have to run the same stuff at the same time. We can break off into groups and run different trails on different days.

Well I'm certainly interested.. Since the Colorado stuff seems pretty mild.

I'll wait out for the minimum requirements and see. If it's doable then I'm in!
Looking forward to September 2017

Here"s my rig minus my new front bumper with winch, should be on by end of April. Anyone else from Ohio coming?
Giving this a bump just to let everyone know I'm working on something new for this trip. I hope to announce it soon in the next couple of weeks, so keep an eye out for it.
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Ok, so maybe it's not so much of an exodus since we will be returning at the end but it makes for a great name. Originally the plan was just do some runs in the San Juan mountains, but since we'll only be a few hours away from Moab I figured we might as well hit it up while we're there. I'm setting this trip up for 2017 for a couple of different reasons. Mostly because I'm having a baby soon so theres no way I'd want to do it this year. The time between now and then will also allow everyone to prepare for the trip in a lot of different ways. Save money, build up your rigs, and get out on some trails so you gain some more experience.

A lot of planning and calling ahead is going to be involved in this so don't sign up unless you're certain this is something you want to do. I have already spoken to some of the campgrounds and we will have to lock in our lodging at least a year in advance. We will also be having a couple of Suds-n-grubs between now and then in order for everyone going to get familiar with each other.

I'll be adding more details to this as time goes on. PM if you're interested in going.

There will also be some minimum requirements to your rig in order to make this run. These have yet to be determined but will be added later.

Right now the tentative date to start is 9/8/17.

Day 1: Make the long boring drive out of Texas to Albuquerque.

Day 2: Travel to Ouray and check in at the KOA. Relax and take it easy the rest of the day.

Day 3: Black Bear Pass in the morning to Telluride where we'll eat lunch. In the afternoon we'll take Imogene Pass back to Ouray.

Day 4: Travel the 65 miles of the Alpine Loop Scenic Byway. Engineer Pass to Lake City, then back around Ouray through Cinnamon Pass and California pass. Inspect rigs for travel.

Day 5: Break camp and travel to Moab. Set up camp and then run Top of the World.

Day 6: Fins and Things in the morning, Hells Revenge in the afternoon.

Day 7: Cliff Hanger in the morning, Poison Spider Mesa in the afternoon. Inspect rigs for travel.

Day 8: Travel to Ft. Sumner, NM.

Day 9: Travel home.


1) Granite head

2) Texas Nick + 1

3) iRonin

4) dwvninety

5) tdougherty81

6) Jackal01

7) Angry Aussie

8) DWiggles

9) BobbyGTX

10) BamBamDeer

11) Uncle Jimmy

12) Benito

13) Jegar

14) timothyh58

15) Romac2223


1) Jake Wilson


3) USMC Wrangler

4) Thomas21


6) bonedaddy

6) GraniteCrystal

7) Frogmech

8) cozdude

9) daverawr

10) NastyNate

11) mudmobeeler + 1

Late to the party. But I would love to do this run! Been wanting to go back to Ouray for a long time!
Imo, sept is the perfect time to go. Most traffic is done and you get to see much more fall color.

Need to make sure it doesn't conflict with the jeep jamboree. They usually go up to Colorado in sept or October. There will a ton of jeeps on the trails.
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