Texas Barnwell Run & Campout(May 21st-22nd)

Thank you for not posting one of me with no pants on:eek:

Since you asked nicely I won't post the one I have, it was great wheeling with you, looking forward to the next time.

Can I raise you to 4 bags of chips for the Yeti cup? [emoji12]

You only came away with 4 bags of chips? Maybe if you toss in some of those hotdogs you might have a chance.
Since you asked nicely I won't post the one I have, it was great wheeling with you, looking forward to the next time.

You only came away with 4 bags of chips? Maybe if you toss in some of those hotdogs you might have a chance.

That is perfectly fine seeing as how I came home with 48 uneaten hot dogs!
The photo in post #608 is where he did it after Napalm told everyone stay to the right he goes left and winds up stuck.

It was that, and a particular somebody being a wise ass and saying "challenge accepted"over the radio. Lol
It was that, and a particular somebody being a wise ass and saying "challenge accepted"over the radio. Lol

on the bright side, hopefully all the newbies now know some PROPER winch etiquette, and as an added bonus, when and how to use a snatch block.... :thumb:
Texas Barnwell Run & Campout(May 21st-22nd)

Well, we made it home a couple of hours ago, and just woke up from a cat nap (I feel old). But man was this a fun fun trip! Big shout out to Nathan for setting this trip up and giving us all an excuse to go off road and break off from the real world for a weekend. I hope all of the newbies and first timers *edit* (and old timers :wink: ) had an awesome time as you all did exceptionally well and were eager to try the next obstacle ahead. I hope you guys remember this and bring that great attitude and charisma the next time around. I must say there was a couple of characters (in a good way) and by a couple i mean everyone! The gf and i were cracking up the whole time with everyones shenanigans lol

Did Nick break anything this time out?
Why is it that i always have to be the one to break something? I feel like im the bad driver [emoji28]
But yes other than a turn signal breaking off, and a fender flare coming off some how [emoji6] it was a semi good one.
One bad thing that happened was, since about mid day yesterday. My rear locker was acting up and never actually wanted to disengage. I thought "oh well, maybe its just needs a rest and will act right in the morning". But no dice. come the morning time it was still locked and i tried it all thinking it was electrical. I unplugged the battery, unplugged the sensor from the rear axle. But to no avail. Seeing as how shops arent open on sunday. The only thing i had left to do was drive home with the locker still engaged and hope for the best. I just avoided any sharp turns and kept the speed down on the highway (kinda). But thankfully we made it home safe without the locker/axle imploding on us at 75 mph.
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Truly, thanks to Nathan for doing the hard part of this whole event. Thanks to everyone for allowing me to wheel with you and share a great time with. I had a great time. Did stop at a car wash on the way home and gave the interior a beginning clean, but it's still in need of a few more drenches before all is said and done.
It was that, and a particular somebody being a wise ass and saying "challenge accepted"over the radio. Lol

My bad... :cheesy: NEVER take lead advice from the tail gunner ;)

on the bright side, hopefully all the newbies now know some PROPER winch etiquette, and as an added bonus, when and how to use a snatch block.... :thumb:

Dave was just giving some inspiration! Awesome job as a tail gunner! and Nick and I had it all planned out for some winching experience!! [emoji57] Kris needed to get some line time with his Warn!!!
on the bright side, hopefully all the newbies now know some PROPER winch etiquette, and as an added bonus, when and how to use a snatch block.... :thumb:

I know how to properly say "giggity" after somebody says "snatch block"
That counts, right?

Truly, thanks to Nathan for doing the hard part of this whole event. Thanks to everyone for allowing me to wheel with you and share a great time with. I had a great time. Did stop at a car wash on the way home and gave the interior a beginning clean, but it's still in need of a few more drenches before all is said and done.

Glad you made it out, allowed us to meet our "out of stater" quota!

Seconded on thanks to Nathan, great job on the planning and shifting on the fly when needed.

Dave was just giving some inspiration! Awesome job as a tail gunner! and Nick and I had it all planned out for some winching experience!! [emoji57] Kris needed to get some line time with his Warn!!!

We even got to learn how to spool one, twice!
It was that, and a particular somebody being a wise ass and saying "challenge accepted"over the radio. Lol
Lmfao i would of loved to see someone else give it a try, but we'll save that for another day [emoji14]
I did nominate you for tail gunner off the year 2016 though, so who wouldn't listen to you?

Who's gonna inform Nick that we re-named his Jeep for him? :secret:

I must have missed this! Curious to hear this [emoji16]
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