Caught the Bug
As for your "really" comment, yes really. 60% DV buddy ... wanna see the scars ? Disrespect the well earned blood stripes this SSgt of Marines earned ...
But coming off as 100% asshole. Well done soldier! :thumb:
As for your "really" comment, yes really. 60% DV buddy ... wanna see the scars ? Disrespect the well earned blood stripes this SSgt of Marines earned ...
As for your "really" comment, yes really. 60% DV buddy ... wanna see the scars ? Disrespect the well earned blood stripes this SSgt of Marines earned ...
Really dude? Many vets and officers and firefighters up in here and you don't need to pull the "I've taken a bullet" card. It's irrelevant and makes you look desperate. Next you'll be saying how joking about hitting a body isn't cool and have ur wife come on here. :cheesy:
:cheesy: Cindy does all the work, I just get to help her out![]()
So explain then ... why is a PR44 better than say a Tera44 ? put up or shut up time ? Tera has a larger diamerter tube, oh yes, a thicker tube tube at a full half inch thick, you can run any ball joint you want, or run Tera's rebuildable Bjs ... so why is the PR44 the best with a small tube diameter and thickness and casting thickness ? Can you utter, that Tera just might make a superior product than someone you have been ... OMG ... "paid" to represent ????????
You have your "faves". They are plastered all over the sides of your jeeps, the banners on the site, etc.
As for your "really" comment, yes really. 60% DV buddy ... wanna see the scars ? Disrespect the well earned blood stripes this SSgt of Marines earned ...
As for your "really" comment, yes really. 60% DV buddy ... wanna see the scars ? Disrespect the well earned blood stripes this SSgt of Marines earned ...
Personally, you can tell me whatever you want. I took a bullet so you could tell me that, I lived, so I just laugh it off ... OOH-RAH fellas ... crawlin back under the Jeep
As for your "really" comment, yes really. 60% DV buddy ... wanna see the scars ? Disrespect the well earned blood stripes this SSgt of Marines earned ...
My point in this is simply to illustrate the fact that the fearless leader here is all worked up over protecting his "zone of influence". I've lived through far worse. It's a friggin forum ... for Jeeps. People need to friggin relax. If ur a vet, especially a combat one, you'll get it. Rounds inbound ... screw it, its a damn Jeep. EJS 2009 I dislocated my knee after one damn trail. The first guy asked for EVERYONES opion, after Eddie posted his, the villiage didn't need the fearless leader trying to beat them in to submission on Tera arms are crap, Tera tracbars are crap ... then poking at me when I post my specific experience ... dude, I KNOW my experience, I don't need the peanut gallery ringing the dinner bell ...
I researched it ... EVERY single "what should I get ... Eddie is right there with ORE ... we get it man ... we friggin get it ...
Now, get them to call me back from 5.5 weeks ago ... still waiting ... sigh
Please stop injecting your military service into this discussion. It makes you look stupid, not to mention, insulting to other service members. You served your country? Great, I applaud you for it, but don't stick it into a discussion that has nothing to do with it.
But coming off as 100% asshole. Well done soldier! :thumb:
This comment is a clear indicator of PTSD. You really should seek assistance. The faster you realize that no one here owes you anything, the quicker you will recover.
"Sua Sponte"
:yawn37: You'll forgive me but up until recently, the Tera44 wasn't available in a 1/2" thick tube. I have yet to see a PR44 Unlimited with bent axle tubes so, what they come with has proven themselves to be more than enough. Aside from that, the PR44 still has a profiled differential that offers greater ground clearance and from what I have seen on the trail, it makes a difference.
My point in this is simply to illustrate the fact that the fearless leader here is all worked up over protecting his "zone of influence".
I've lived through far worse. It's a friggin forum ... for Jeeps. People need to friggin relax.
If ur a vet, especially a combat one, you'll get it. Rounds inbound ... screw it, its a damn Jeep. EJS 2009 I dislocated my knee after one damn trail. The first guy asked for EVERYONES opion, after Eddie posted his, the villiage didn't need the fearless leader trying to beat them in to submission on Tera arms are crap, Tera tracbars are crap ... then poking at me when I post my specific experience ... dude, I KNOW my experience, I don't need the peanut gallery ringing the dinner bell ...
I researched it ... EVERY single "what should I get ... Eddie is right there with ORE ... we get it man ... we friggin get it ...
So I'm clear, less than .5" of ground clearance trumps knuckles, tube diameter and thickness ? Wow, engineers have had it wrong for centuries.
No one here or anywhere owes me a damn thing ... nowhere in this world. I'm in a good place. But thanks for the Mental Health Eval.
Eddie's backup ... present and accounted for ...
Stop with this shit i know people who died are not the same since fighting in wars from Vietnam to Afghanistan no need to brin this in to the conversation:asshat:
So I'm clear, less than .5" of ground clearance trumps knuckles, tube diameter and thickness ? Wow, engineers have had it wrong for centuries.
:cheesy: "zone of influence" - that's gotta be the best one I've heard yet. So here's a question, why in the hell do you care? I mean, this is just an internet forum and nobody even asked you to be here. If you don't like my "zone of influence", why not just go somewhere else or create your own "zone of influence"? :idontknow:
You guys win. I'll leave.
*****you asshole you are scum that you talk about fallen service members you ******lol ... well yeah they arent the same ... they died buddy.
You guys win. I'll leave. Eddie and his fearless circle @#$% of buddies can run off and have a camp fire kumbaya about me. If I was as knowledgable about stuff I've never run or paid for, that would be awesome.
And Eddie, I'm not worked up at all. I just find it pretty funny that you put so much work in to it. You were such an iquisitive little boy 5 or so years ago. All the cute little pms you used to send me asking for pictures of lift components. You were so nice back then.
"moderator\Owner" and sucking hind tit of vendors will change that I guess.