Teraflex - Bad rep for a reason or isolated cases?

The entire page 13 was from December 2021. Not like I kicked this page to the front?
Even WJCO posted before I did? Maybe forum page controls should be in place so old threads cant get bumped?
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Obvious differences meaning they changed the design due to it being shit and dangerous and yet they didn’t recall. Glad you are okay with that.
Out of curiosity how are those Teraflex flex arms working out for you? Seems you are ok with it?


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Horrible. They were shit the entire time I had them. Sold that Jeep anyway but nice try.
You may want to update your profile. Did you sell your Jeep because horrible Chrysler didnt do a recall on the dangerous failing oil coolers that cause engine fires? I somehow made it through that along with replacing everything from the cooling system at least twice.. But I still own a Jeep. Why isn’t this thread locked? 🙃
You may want to update your profile. Did you sell your Jeep because horrible Chrysler didnt do a recall on the dangerous failing oil coolers that cause engine fires? I somehow made it through that along with replacing everything from the cooling system at least twice.. But I still own a Jeep. Why isn’t this thread locked? 🙃
I see you changed your post so I’ll respond here. No I sold my Jeeps because I wanted to. Never had oil cooler issues on any of my Jeeps is 200k miles between them.
You may want to update your profile. Did you sell your Jeep because horrible Chrysler didnt do a recall on the dangerous failing oil coolers that cause engine fires? I somehow made it through that along with replacing everything from the cooling system at least twice.. But I still own a Jeep. Why isn’t this thread locked? 🙃
Threads don't get blocked or deleted here
Nah. I like guys like you to see that to try and help save us from ourselves.
Where’s the grammar and sentence structure checker when you need him?
Paging WJCO, Mr. Overlander is in need of a little tutoring session.

I’m not trying to save anyone from themselves as you put it sir (and which makes no sense BTW), I simply stated my personal experience with a product. The only one who could do that (save us from ourselves) is a psychiatrist or God if you haven’t found him already. This is America not Communist China if I’m not mistaken. I should be able state my experience without getting persecuted or slandered. To be perfectly honest I didn't even know this was a “rip Teraflex thread” until you so nicely brought that to my attention. I had simply been skimming through JK threads and read the last active page from this thread most recently discussing their roof racks. It was on the second page of active threads in the JK forum before I replied.
I really appreciate the display of community and welcomeness that has been shown in the replies I’ve received here. Thanks for being such a great person And I wish you the best in life.
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I really appreciate the display of community and welcomeness that has been shown in the replies I’ve received here. Thanks for being such a great person And I wish you the best in life.
LOL - I have to say that I almost missed your new signature, the one that states...

"I’m just a fanboy... Per the influencer who’s jeeps are plastered with stickers of manufacturers who give him free products."

1. YES, you are in fact a FANBOY. You are a person who goes around the internet or on social media looking for discussions that disparage a company and or product that you've chosen to buy and and with the purposes of providing an unsolicited defense of them like your manhood is somehow at stake.

2. This is my home on the internet as in, I PAY for it to exist and for YOU to use for FREE. I've been doing this Jeep thing well before the term "influencer" was even a thing and MOST of the stickers you mentioned, the ones that are on my Jeeps, represent close and personal FRIENDS of mine. And yes, I enthusiastically choose to promote them because experience has shown me that they make superior products.

3. I don't get products for "free", I get PAID to run products on my Jeep. IN FACT, your beloved TeraFlex used to be one of those companies or at least, up until I CHOSE to NOT work with them. I did not want to be associated with a company that sold cheap china parts, ones that had potentially life threatening breaks and would purposefully keep quite about it. A company with "good customer service" reaches out to customers and to let them know about problems like this - this as opposed to waiting for customers to contact them after the fact. That to me is bullshit.

With that said, I'm happy for you that you love your TeraFlex products. Certainly, I couldn't care less what you've chosen to run on your Jeep and nothing would suck more than to have it built up with shit.

May I wish you the best in life.
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