Much like good ol'Route 66, many of the US Highways that were built in the early 1900's were eventually bypassed, incorporated into modern Interstate Highways or were absorbed by expanding cities and became streets with completely different names. In most cases, they've completely faded away and unless you knew exactly where they were, they can be almost be impossible to find today.
Out in the state of Nevada, there are multiple US Highways that still run through it and in an official capacity and they would include US 6, US 95, US 93 and US 395. And, being that so much of this state is so undeveloped, there are numerous lengths of these highways that were realigned over time and with the old sections being left behind. These stretches of abandoned highway are something that Cindy and I always love to explore and the following pics highlight our most recent trek across a few of them.
Neglected and at the mercy of time and erosion, this length of highway has effectively become an off road trail.
If you know where to look, you can always find cool remnants from past travelers. This is an old Olympia Beer can from the 1950s.
It's not everyday that you get to see them, especially being that they blend so well into the landscape but on this day, we got lucky and came across this herd of big horn sheep.
Now, this is a completely different stretch of old US Highway and I love it because it's a section that was completely bypassed and abandoned.
As you can see, it's even still paved and has a fading center stripe running down the middle of it.
Here's an old mine that had been forgotten by time and that we just couldn't resist checking out.
Thankfully, this isn't off an Interstate and far from a metropolitan area and so it's still standing much as it had when it was left behind. With any luck, it'll continue to exist free of "artwork" or other stupidness and for many years to come.
It's always so amazing and cool to see machinery like this old steam powered hoist in place.
Because the desert was calling, we eventually ventured off the old highways and out into the wide open wilderness.
And the roads out here go on for what feels like forever.
On the other side of the valley we were traversing, we found ourselves at the face of some amazing rocks formations.
Unfortunately, all good trips must come to an end and here's a shot of us heading back to the old highway.
A parting shot of our Gladiator next to a weary traveler who was stuck along the side of the highway and with what looked like... some kind of engine trouble.
Finally, what would a trip like this be without a stop to celebrate all the fun we had!
CHEERS my friends
I hope you enjoyed our little trek across Nevada and on abandoned US Highways
Out in the state of Nevada, there are multiple US Highways that still run through it and in an official capacity and they would include US 6, US 95, US 93 and US 395. And, being that so much of this state is so undeveloped, there are numerous lengths of these highways that were realigned over time and with the old sections being left behind. These stretches of abandoned highway are something that Cindy and I always love to explore and the following pics highlight our most recent trek across a few of them.
Neglected and at the mercy of time and erosion, this length of highway has effectively become an off road trail.

If you know where to look, you can always find cool remnants from past travelers. This is an old Olympia Beer can from the 1950s.

It's not everyday that you get to see them, especially being that they blend so well into the landscape but on this day, we got lucky and came across this herd of big horn sheep.

Now, this is a completely different stretch of old US Highway and I love it because it's a section that was completely bypassed and abandoned.

As you can see, it's even still paved and has a fading center stripe running down the middle of it.

Here's an old mine that had been forgotten by time and that we just couldn't resist checking out.

Thankfully, this isn't off an Interstate and far from a metropolitan area and so it's still standing much as it had when it was left behind. With any luck, it'll continue to exist free of "artwork" or other stupidness and for many years to come.

It's always so amazing and cool to see machinery like this old steam powered hoist in place.

Because the desert was calling, we eventually ventured off the old highways and out into the wide open wilderness.

And the roads out here go on for what feels like forever.

On the other side of the valley we were traversing, we found ourselves at the face of some amazing rocks formations.

Unfortunately, all good trips must come to an end and here's a shot of us heading back to the old highway.

A parting shot of our Gladiator next to a weary traveler who was stuck along the side of the highway and with what looked like... some kind of engine trouble.

Finally, what would a trip like this be without a stop to celebrate all the fun we had!

CHEERS my friends

I hope you enjoyed our little trek across Nevada and on abandoned US Highways