Sway Bar Disco recommendations


Caught the Bug
Looking to get a pair of sway bar discos for my JKU. Any recommendations as far as brand? I've thought long and hard about picking up a used Rubi sway bar and going with the No Limits disconnect, but its not in the budget right now. I know it would be the best route though. What do you guys recommend?
JKS. i ran them for about a year before i got my used rubi bar. they are now serving JKwrang well. if i had to do it all over again i would go the same route.
Don't do the teraflex ones.... they are crap I hated mine they didn't work as advertised and the pin don't even fit the bushing. Even after grinding them down it took a hammer to get on and off then they just definitely fell apart. Not worth the 130$. At the moment I'm running the 55$ rough country.... yeah it's rough country but they work and are very simple and haven't failed on me yet and I've been running them for well over a year. I only have experience using the.jks ones on an xj so I don't know bout the jk ones. But they're probably similar and they would work too.
I have the Rock Krawler quick disco's and like them. Only thing I would do different is to taper the lower bolt to make putting them back on easier.

JKS. i ran them for about a year before i got my used rubi bar. they are now serving JKwrang well. if i had to do it all over again i would go the same route.

I second this. I ran them on my first JK and never had an issue getting them on and off.

Now I have a Rubi... so Ive got a button :)
I have the teraflex ones and they work perfectly, except you can't use the relocation bracket if you have stock rims.

Looking back they weren't entirely worth the $130 but I got them on sale.
I went with JKS. Just ordered them yesterday from Northridge4x4. They were $157.95. Before the wayalife discount. Plus free shipping.
I'm running JKS quicker disconnects on the Pumpkin. No issues and they do what they were intended to do.....disconnect the sway bar
I would wait for the new air disco that they had at SEMA. There is info on it over on the SEMA thread.
I would wait for the new air disco that they had at SEMA. There is info on it over on the SEMA thread.

The Rubi sway bar and No Limits is out of my budget, can't imagine what the air disco is gonna cost. Think I might order the JKS discos tomorrow. Any pics of them disconnected? The thing I like about the Teraflex discos is that they come with the bracket to mount them to when disconnected, as does the RC ones. What do you do with your JKS discos when disconnected?
I have the teraflex ones and they work perfectly, except you can't use the relocation bracket if you have stock rims.

Looking back they weren't entirely worth the $130 but I got them on sale.

They work fine if you have wheel spacers. Then you also get the benefits of wheel spacers.

Don't do the teraflex ones.... they are crap I hated mine they didn't work as advertised and the pin don't even fit the bushing. Even after grinding them down it took a hammer to get on and off then they just definitely fell apart. Not worth the 130$. At the moment I'm running the 55$ rough country.... yeah it's rough country but they work and are very simple and haven't failed on me yet and I've been running them for well over a year. I only have experience using the.jks ones on an xj so I don't know bout the jk ones. But they're probably similar and they would work too.

Getting them back on is a massive pain! I'm just biding my time till I get an old Rubicon/No Limits setup.
I have Jks. Love them, worth every penny. And they are tapered to help get them back on. Do you mean the jeep with the sway disco'd or the actual discos when they're off?
I have Jks. Love them, worth every penny. And they are tapered to help get them back on. Do you mean the jeep with the sway disco'd or the actual discos when they're off?

Zoomed in picture of the discos disconnected and tied out of the way. Just curious how to keep them out of the way when they're not connected.
I might be the only person who's bought steinjäger discos, but I like them. They're pretty easy to get on and off, no pins to keep track of, etc.
I'm going post again.

Get the Rough Country quick disco's. Well made, QUICK to use, inexpensive, and no parts to find a home for....



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They work fine if you have wheel spacers. Then you also get the benefits of wheel spacers.

Getting them back on is a massive pain! I'm just biding my time till I get an old Rubicon/No Limits setup.

I am waiting to get wheels and tires instead of spacers. I can get them on and off easily using a flathead screwdriver. I currently just zip tie them to the frame but can't wait to get new wheels to use the bracket s instead of zip ties.

In all honesty if I had to do it again I'd probably get the rough country ones as posted by the other users in this thread, they look pretty nice for the price! Or if I had the money I'd go no limits.
Zoomed in picture of the discos disconnected and tied out of the way. Just curious how to keep them out of the way when they're not connected.

When the JKs ones are not connected you can remove it completely so its out of the way. It has a pin for the top post and the bottom so the whole link comes out.
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