Web Wheeler
<img src="http://wayalife.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=8845"/>
In case you don't get the reference: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmcJWPYcr1I
Looks like someone went to Costco.
<img src="http://wayalife.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=8845"/>
In case you don't get the reference: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmcJWPYcr1I
Every week. Love that place. Usually attend "Sunday service" there but need to hit the slopes tomorrow.
Picked this up today. Looked too interesting to pass up.
<img src="http://wayalife.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=8872"/>
For Socal people anyone been to Bru, off El toro Rd. Man they had a least on 25 on tap. I had 7 diff, beers and they were good.
View attachment 8877
10frank9 said:Very nice. Looks like I have to stop by tomorrow after my Sunday Service. Those look mighty tasty.
For Socal people anyone been to Bru, off El toro Rd. Man they had a least on 25 on tap. I had 7 diff, beers and they were good.
View attachment 8877
wayoflife said:Please tell me there's more than 3.2% ABV in that :crazyeyes:
Of course, I'm just jealous because I have to refrain from alcohol for a couple days so that I can do blood work at the doc :rolleyes2:
Please tell me there's more than 3.2% ABV in that :crazyeyes:
Of course, I'm just jealous because I have to refrain from alcohol for a couple days so that I can do blood work at the doc :rolleyes2:
Wasn't sure if I should post this one here or "Caption This."
View attachment 9193
Please tell me there's more than 3.2% ABV in that :crazyeyes:
Of course, I'm just jealous because I have to refrain from alcohol for a couple days so that I can do blood work at the doc :rolleyes2: