Hey, I like how that setup doesn't take a lot of space and can be formed around anything that may get in the way. Good job!
Build Thread - Adventures of Fiona - https://wayalife.com/showthread.php?t=47407
II know, pretty sweet, huh? You oughta see the awesome job I did wiring up my rear lights on my EVO skins. It's more incredible that this! I do consultation work in case you're interested.
Are you supposed to cut the RED WIRE or the BLUE WIRE ???Only the RED ones! But make sure you hook up this BLACK bastard wire to your RED (positive) terminal or your fan won't work. If you do that you MAY end up buying a new fan only to find out that it doesn't work either. Then you give up and take it to the dealer who tells you you're a dumbass and no, we won't take the fan back because its an electrical part.