Stink bugs


Active Member
Looking for suggestions on catching or controlling these annoying little bastards. They like to in our sunroof that was converted from a screened porch. Primarily it's a play room for the kids so I don't want them (the bugs not the kids) crawling around everywhere. I just got 5 a little bit ago so it has begun. I've seen making a trap out of a soda bottle with a light in it or a pan with soapy water. The pan presents issues with 2 kids running around out there. Anyone have any luck with anything?
I assume you're talking about those pesky black beetles that stick their butts in the air when confronted? If so, man, I wish I knew what to tell you. Best advice I can give is to make sure that you've plugged or effectively blocked any and all points of possible entry. That's worked the best for me but even at that, I still find one of these buggers in places I'd never expect and left completely dumbfounded as to how they got in 🤪
Good luck - the little pains in the ass are experts at getting in a house. We get polluted with them and lady bugs.
Put the lady bugs in your gardens. Good for the tomatoes. Or if you can’t transplant the bugs, grow your tomoatoes in your house. Lol

On really warm days In early Spring and late Fall, its an invasion for a week or so. They gather on the sides of the house - inside & out - that the suns hitting & there's just no way to collect them all. Wife will get fed up & try suck them up with a shop vac, but 10 minutes later the replacements come back with a vengeance.
Well that's unfortunate. I really hoped someone would have something amazing. Now I feel like just sitting in the corner and having a quiet cry.

On the lady bug subject. We don't really get those but alot of the tower sites I work at get covered up with the Japanese lady beetles. They look like lady bugs but bite something fierce
I'm assuming you're talking about these dickheads? :


If you have 5, be happy. We get hundreds. Last two Fall seasons have been the worst. They even pile up under bbq covers to stay warm. We have one primary spot we see the worst of them in the house and that door has worn weatherstrip. I'm going to fix it this year and see if that helps. There's times I open the door and tons are hanging out between the door and jamb. They can really flatten themselves to get in tight spaces.
That definitely sounds way worse than what we get here, my condolences. I'm still not inviting them in for dinner and a drink but I'll just keep flushing them.
Wife found a dead frog in our shower the other day. How it got into our second floor shower with hurricane impact windows shut closed everywhere is beyond me. Dog knows better than to come upstairs.

Never seen a stink bug down here but we get cockroaches and love bugs like crazy. Noseums are the worst out in the mangroves by the waterway.
I'm assuming you're talking about these dickheads? :

View attachment 403668

If you have 5, be happy. We get hundreds. Last two Fall seasons have been the worst. They even pile up under bbq covers to stay warm. We have one primary spot we see the worst of them in the house and that door has worn weatherstrip. I'm going to fix it this year and see if that helps. There's times I open the door and tons are hanging out between the door and jamb. They can really flatten themselves to get in tight spaces.
Those fuckers have been a pain in my ass this year. It’s crazy cause I don’t remember seeing them before.
I'm assuming you're talking about these dickheads? :

View attachment 403668

If you have 5, be happy. We get hundreds. Last two Fall seasons have been the worst. They even pile up under bbq covers to stay warm. We have one primary spot we see the worst of them in the house and that door has worn weatherstrip. I'm going to fix it this year and see if that helps. There's times I open the door and tons are hanging out between the door and jamb. They can really flatten themselves to get in tight spaces.
Hmmm, these are what we have in our area.
From the genus Eleodes, these are known as "darkling" or "pinacate beetles," and colloquially as "stinkbugs" or "clown beetles."
I'm assuming you're talking about these dickheads? :

View attachment 403668

If you have 5, be happy. We get hundreds. Last two Fall seasons have been the worst. They even pile up under bbq covers to stay warm. We have one primary spot we see the worst of them in the house and that door has worn weatherstrip. I'm going to fix it this year and see if that helps. There's times I open the door and tons are hanging out between the door and jamb. They can really flatten themselves to get in tight spaces.
I've seen these in my area but they don't seem to be too bad, they get in the wood pile & really like to get in between old rotting plywood sheets. I think they are box elder bugs.

Hmmm, these are what we have in our area.
View attachment 403671
From the genus Eleodes, these are known as "darkling" or "pinacate beetles," and colloquially as "stinkbugs" or "clown beetles."
^^^ This is what I call stink bugs too.
I’ve been doing some spring cleaning in my fancy goat pen of a garage. And just about every single thing in it has one or more of these fucks hanging around.
View attachment 403673.
Every time I touch a black widow web & it makes that crackling and snapping noise the hair on the back of my neck stands up... Those fuckers creep me out.

AND... Did that fucker eat a crawdad? WTF is that claw looking thing behind it?
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