Squeaking sound


New member
So I have a random squeaking sound coming from the front end of the Jeep, but here's were it gets weird, it only happens when I'm turning to the right. I have wheel spacers on front and rear, but I've already checked them a while back after I put them on to make sure they were good, so I'm pretty sure that's not it. And I haven't been off road in over a month so I know its not from that because the squeak started a few days ago. Do any of you guys have any idea?????? :eek:
I am not a mechanic...but last month I had a weird 'squeak' while turning at low speeds...turned out to be bearings. It was BAD...the thing on the right...used to look like bearing on the leftImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1436496560.085869.jpg.
ok...in all fairness...I have a 1968...purchasing was cheap(under $30 a set...not sure for a newer jeep)...learning to install seemed to cost a lot.
Well shit, I was hopping that wasn't it lol. About how much is a new set of bearings?

Looks like you can pick them up for about $80-90 a side. I'd recommend changing both sides at the same time. Good news is that they're fairly easy to change these days. Also a good time to do some front brake maintenance since you have to remove them to get to the hub/bearing assembly.
ok...in all fairness...I have a 1968...purchasing was cheap(under $30 a set...not sure for a newer jeep)...learning to install seemed to cost a lot.

Yeah the newer ones are a lot easier. Instead of having to pack the bearings, etc., it's actually an assembly now that just bolts on.
Looks like you can pick them up for about $80-90 a side. I'd recommend changing both sides at the same time. Good news is that they're fairly easy to change these days. Also a good time to do some front brake maintenance since you have to remove them to get to the hub/bearing assembly.

Well that's not too bad I guess. I'll get my uncle to change them out for me, he runs his own mechanic shop across the street from my house. Man it helps having family in the automotive business lol
So I just went to the local O'Reilly and the guy said that I have to buy the entire hub assembly, not just the bearings. Is he serious? Each one is like $200
Depending on how many miles it could be worth a shot. But you can find them online for less than $100.
Depending on how many miles it could be worth a shot. But you can find them online for less than $100.

Just short of 30k miles. I'm going to try and see if they're covered! I'm going to call the local Jeep stealership in the am since they're closed now.
Id sure as hell put the front end up on jackstands and narrow it down to the right part before throwing 2 bills at bearings. You checked the axle end u joint yet?
Well I got some great news, the squeak is fixed! And it was free to fix!!! I took it over to my uncles shop to let him look at it and drive to hear the squeak and we found out it wasn't the bearings, but my rock sliders I installed about 3 weeks ago. My rock sliders boot onto the body mounts and the big washer on the body mount was rubbing the rock slider. So we took the washer off, took a grinder to it, and now its all good!!!!!!
Well I got some great news, the squeak is fixed! And it was free to fix!!! I took it over to my uncles shop to let him look at it and drive to hear the squeak and we found out it wasn't the bearings, but my rock sliders I installed about 3 weeks ago. My rock sliders boot onto the body mounts and the big washer on the body mount was rubbing the rock slider. So we took the washer off, took a grinder to it, and now its all good!!!!!!

Perfect! Good to hear buddy.
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