Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

Not shocked at all AZ unfortunately is controlled by Maricopa and Pima counties.
All the Komifornians have corrupted a once conservative state.

All true.

I would love to see a state level Electoral College. That would keep the population centers from controlling the states. Think about how many states are controlled by a couple of population centers.

Also John McCain did a huge amount of damage to AZ by choking out any threats to his power. He crushed several solid constitutional conservatives who would have made great senators.

That dude is 100% correct. It’s not just a word salad, that commie bitch is very purposeful and means exactly what she is saying. Destroy the past and make a new future in the ruins of the past. Unfortunately we have been lulled into thinking she is simply harmless and stupid. She is stupid, however she is NOT harmless.

Great post Mike.
What confusion and chaos would there be from a simple rule of needing to show ID? If you drive to the poles you need one anyway. Its mind boggling that there is such a struggle to require ID to vote yet you need it as an an adult for literally everything else.
I keep seeing mention of "Proof of citizenship", which a much higher bar than just having a state issued id. Maybe that is why they thought it would cause confusion.
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