Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

It’s only getting started IMHO. This summer will be interesting for sure. Take the proper precautions. Many individuals have become incredibly wealthy and powerful through the Fed-Gov scam, they won’t give it up without a fight.
It’s interesting. My wife and I were having this conversation yesterday how we are both unsure about wearing a MAGA hat out in public right now. Even out here in rural Va there’s a bunch of unhinged leftists and your right it’s going to get worse this summer.
I'm just wondering, with the exception of the lame ass escorted walking tour on a January 6th, exactly how many protests, acts of violence, vandalism and stupidness occurred after brandon won the 2020 election?
That is because the tolerant left was in charge.
I'm just wondering, with the exception of the lame ass escorted walking tour on a January 6th, exactly how many protests, acts of violence, vandalism and stupidness occurred after brandon won the 2020 election?
It’s not about that. It’s about the fact that trip is bad. And so are you if you like him.
I'm just wondering, with the exception of the lame ass escorted walking tour on a January 6th, exactly how many protests, acts of violence, vandalism and stupidness occurred after brandon won the 2020 election?

‘They’ are extremely well organized and funded. It’s amazing in fact and you would not believe it. ‘Our’ side is pathetically naive and inept in comparison- however the Trump Team is actually the first republican administration that even has a clue about what has been, and continues to go on.
Once again the ‘experts’ miscalculated and their plan went wrong. Intelligence turned out faulty and their actions made things worse instead of better. We backed the wrong guys-again. It’s almost like the locals know more than we do. (Sarcasm).

Once again the ‘experts’ miscalculated and their plan went wrong. Intelligence turned out faulty and their actions made things worse instead of better. We backed the wrong guys-again. It’s almost like the locals know more than we do. (Sarcasm).

these people are never going to stop killing each other over there fanatically different religious beliefs. I say fuckin let them have at it.
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