Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

Can anyone knowledgeable comment on this? I googled but didn't find anything definitive. I do remember reading that it normally faces the olive branch. This was on the screen during his WEF address

I’m doubtful of the authenticity of this.

The below story is from 2019 but it might be a good example of what’s going on.

Sunday morning comic section here

The republican that wrote this does not understand that the Republican Party has changed. These changes are not solely due to Trump, however they were initially inspired, expanded, and carried forward by Trump. He had the CEO drive and the force of personality to make it happen. Trump has now surrounded himself with MAGA and America First individuals and has expanded the core of this movement. He has identified a deep ‘bench’. I believe that Trump has made this the new expectation of the non-democrat party and that RINO Republican politicians like Cocaine Mitch, McCain, Bush, Romney, and the others have been rejected and will no longer control the Republican Party.

Of course voters who are happy with the current direction need to stay strong and engaged and not let the RINO’s back in or get soft and emotional and fall for the ‘be reasonable’ bull-shit that always fucks us over.
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