Someone just tried to assassinate Trump

This is interesting. Reminds me of how military planes were diverted on 911 far away from the event.

None of what is laid out in the article would surprise me, especially the overworked part. Lots of bureaucrat types don’t take security very seriously and few, even in their own management understand how to implement it on a macro level. Concepts such as shifts and down time are overlooked or even disregarded. For example if you require 10 agents total that’s actually 30 individuals minimum based on 3-shifts of 8-hours. Also you must plan in training and vacation time. So you’ll need three teams in rotation to do it correctly. Pulling a ‘double’ shift is common when manpower is limited. Attrition based on agents quitting or being promoted further degrades the force. Sometimes when confronted with these issues management will use the excuse: “That’s what I had to do so suck it up” and no improvements are ever made- only excuses. Most citizens would be shocked at how near the point of unraveling it all is and most agents are so exhausted that they are rarely ever at full performance. The odds are played and success is often a product of no threat ever manifesting itself. Or so I’ve heard.
Based on experience my first inclination is to blame incompetence as opposed to a grand conspiracy. That’s not to say you shouldn’t be distrustful and suspicious- you definitely should.
That’s been my motto for years but things changed with Trumps election in 2016. The mask is coming off our government is corruption to to core. They took out Kennedy because he was a threat to the IC. Trump is a threat to the IC now more than ever. They coached this kid. They left that rooftop open they didn’t secure that area they didn’t even have a spotter on that water tower which was a perfect catbird spot. The trained sharpshooters watched the shooter get into position and waited for him the shoot before they engaged him?
Sorry this is deep state. Not to get all biblical but Donald Trump was saved by the hand of God.
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