That's a perfect solution for a 7000 dollar purchase :crazyeyes:
Seriously if the housing IS indeed built wrong, they should be shipping you out a new one like YESTERDAY. I sure as hell wouldn't settle for cutting shafts if the housing isn't right. Isn't there some half-naked blonde chick's axle hanging around the shop that they could just send to you?
Not sure what the fuck is going on over there, but it seems like right about the time the JL came out, Dynatrac has completely changed how they do things.
Not sure if Jim even reads this shit, but if so:
View attachment 332668
"Each and every axle goes through 117 different inspections during the assembly, ensuring unparalleled quality."
Looks like Critter's went through only 116.
My thoughts exactly. Like...seriously. No fucking way I'd be ok with constantly having to cut shafts to fit what should have accepted a standard length shaft.
Exactly my point in my earlier post. No need for the "Cut-stom" shafts. If there was a need for a trail fix he'd be screwed unless he carried his one-off shafts.