So, I'm Retiring

Sheeeeesh, feel like I'm back in QC with all the paperwork I'm having to do.

Pension application is in the mail.

Insurance paperwork to switch from active to retired on the way to me.

Defined Contribution (Hybrid 401K) paperwork is on hold until December. Not willing to pay the 10% hit and hope the market doesn't tank that much.
Insurance paperwork to switch from active to retired on the way to me.
Nice that you still have some kind of health insurance available. The Southwest Carpenters used Obama Care as an excuse to do away with our retires heath care. They sent out a letter only to the retires in October telling them they were no longer covered as of 31 December that year. I was still working and was the shop steward for our company at the time. My dad called me and asked what was going on? I did not know about it. The trust fund office tried to keep it quiet and tried to not let the active members know about it. Claiming it did not affect us.

I can get medicare in about ten years. In the meantime I deal with most of my medical in Ensenada Mexico. I broke a tooth in Germany last summer and had the implant done in Budapest Hungary and the crown put on it in Ensenada Mexico.

When I checked there were no good affordable plans available in Arizona under the Affordable Care Act.
Update time.

First, application for pension was approved, I have the forms in hand to sign and have notarized to elect my payment option. That will happen probably Tuesday then back in the mail.

Second, Defined Contribution (Hybrid 401K) has been approved for 100% rollover to my IRA and is in the process of being done.

So, got out of the Market before the elections cause whatever chaos across all the Markets.
Pension looks like it will start paying earlier (faster) than originally quoted and retroactive back to tomorrow from whatever date they rubber stamp it.
Update time.

First, application for pension was approved, I have the forms in hand to sign and have notarized to elect my payment option. That will happen probably Tuesday then back in the mail.

Second, Defined Contribution (Hybrid 401K) has been approved for 100% rollover to my IRA and is in the process of being done.

So, got out of the Market before the elections cause whatever chaos across all the Markets.
Pension looks like it will start paying earlier (faster) than originally quoted and retroactive back to tomorrow from whatever date they rubber stamp it.

Good deal. Seems like it’s moving along well for you. I’ve heard some horror stories so it’s nice to hear yours is not.
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