So Cal 5 Spyderlock Wheels...

I remember when kids could be disciplined with spankings, smacked up side the head (me when teasing my brother..haha), belts, or anything within reason. Not abuse, we learned not to do it again and toughened up. This guy sounds like he is going to go tell his mom people are making fun of him.

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I remember when kids could be disciplined with spankings, smacked up side the head (me when teasing my brother..haha), belts, or anything within reason. Not abuse, we learned not to do it again and toughened up. This guy sounds like he is going to go tell his mom people are making fun of him.

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Feel like I was beat with whatever my old man could get his hands on... broom stick, tennis racket, toaster etc! But guess what I didn’t do that shit again!
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