Smoke coming from under the hood

MTG said:
Worst. Service. Ever.

Hey, there's smoke coming from under my hood.

Ahhh, don't worry about's normal.

That's exactly what I thought..... So I just kept checking everything real close.....
smoke under the hood

Had same issue on day one of my 2012 jku. They told me it was normal also. Same BS. Check your PCV valve. It might be leaking.. Mine was cracked on the valve cover and every time I stopped the car the pump went off and it ventalated the engine onto the exhaust manifold. Smoky!
So i've noticed when i am driving, that when i'm at a stop I can see a little smoke coming from the hood. I've looked for anything that is leaking or anything and I can't find anything and it smells a little burnt but I couldn't tell what is burning or burnt. i have an 09 JK Unlimited Rubicon. Any ideas?:thinking: sounds stupid but i can't find anything...

That's scary to me. I have seen a couple posts lately on other sites about these Jeeps catching fire and burning down suddenly. There's been a back ordered part for my rig that I have been waiting or for a whopping three months! Maybe I'm being paranoid but it doesnt seem like Chrysler gives a shit even with the recall. I would take it or call the dealer just to see if their are any recalls.:beer:
The OP's post was from a year ago. I think he is OK. At least I haven't heard anything about his Jeep catching on fire.
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