single rear seat 2dr

Anyone have any good write ups for making a bracket for a single bucket in the back of a 2dr?
I still have my stock drivers seat and slider bracket just thinking about how to secure it to the floor or the existing mounts back there that's safe enough to put the kid in. I haven't found a company that makes something and all my searches have come up with various DIY solutions that I haven't been super excited about.
Without seeing a whole lot of other ideas floating around out there this is what I'm currently thinking of attempting.

Use these pipe clamps to attach to the floor rings 20220709_141524.jpg then part A will go from the front to the back and the aft ring sits 1.5" lower than the front. Part B will be the lateral bars and in the back I'll do like a U shape support to lift it level with the front.
Then part C is just the bars to mount the seat slider. 20220709_141502.jpg20220709_141506.jpgany see any major flaws in my plan?
My initial concern is that the middle is going to bow without support to the floor.
have you looked at genright's rear jk seat mount, might give you some ideas.
synergy also makes a bracket to eliminate the wider portion of the rear seat

edit: synergy no longer makes the seat delete bracket, guessing goosegear had something to do with that :unsure:
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have you looked at genright's rear jk seat mount, might give you some ideas.
synergy also makes a bracket to eliminate the wider portion of the rear seat

edit: synergy no longer makes the seat delete bracket, guessing goosegear had something to do with that :unsure:
Only rear seat brackets I ever found we all for 4drs nothing for the 2dr.
The 2dr doesn't have any holes in the floor to put a bolt in like the 4dr or the front seats. I was tempted to just drill into the floor but especially on the passenger side the right 2 bolts would be blocked by the gas tank and the spring perch. Unless I just centered the seat but didn't want that either. So my goal was to attach a frame to the stock floor rings
So far this is what I have.


So far the first snag I have is the weight of the back of the seat isn't as supportive as I would like so I need to box that part in more. Tried to drill the holes for the slider but my drill bits are shot so had to get new ones. Plus drilling on metal that I just welded always is fun since it hardens a bit
Frame in and with the seat on it.
The part in the back where it hangs off the end with no support is where I think I need to beef up.
And then the biggest question mark in regards to strength is those cable clamps I'm using to hold it to the rings. No clue if they are adequate for holding a seat in place in the event of an impact

Bolted the seat down tight had my wife hop in and thrash around in the seat. Everything seems really stable. Thing I'm going to still add a gusset in the back but think this is going to work.
I also made it so the front passenger seat is all the way back and comfortable, still fits our car seat & can still open the back cargo lid.
I think it's gonna work out and for only about $50 in materials

For a full back story I actually tore down my stock rear seat to see if I could use the stock fold and tumble system and have it attach to the rings like factory. But that frame sat way too high to get a bucket set on top of it. But while doing that I found out the rear seat belt is apparently a different size than the front one... fun fact.. so I pulled the rear buckle out while I had it tore down and I'll figure out where to bolt that up to the frame once I'm happy with it
Only rear seat brackets I ever found we all for 4drs nothing for the 2dr.
The 2dr doesn't have any holes in the floor to put a bolt in like the 4dr or the front seats. I was tempted to just drill into the floor but especially on the passenger side the right 2 bolts would be blocked by the gas tank and the spring perch. Unless I just centered the seat but didn't want that either. So my goal was to attach a frame to the stock floor rings
doh, I read but still glossed over the 2dr part.

I wouldn't trust cable clamps, they are not designed for lifting and in an impact I think they would snap, especially only being held by one bolt side .

will something like the Corbeau 2dr rear seat bracket work? it uses the stock bolt locations.

doh, I read but still glossed over the 2dr part.

I wouldn't trust cable clamps, they are not designed for lifting and in an impact I think they would snap, especially only being held by one bolt side .

will something like the Corbeau 2dr rear seat bracket work? it uses the stock bolt locations.

That is a front seat bracket not a rear. The rear of the 2dr does not bolt to the floor it has fold and tumble bars that click into the rings
I do agree though that I'm not sold on the cable clamps other than should they need to survive an impact the galvanized portion really isn't doing anything. It's just the 5/8" U bolt. The actual clamp part of it is more of just a spacer so I have enough threads to get the nut on.
Making a tab to go across both sides of the bolt is easy enough as well
do the rear seat latches have part numbers on them? wondering if you could order just the latches and build your own frame to mount the seat on
do the rear seat latches have part numbers on them? wondering if you could order just the latches and build your own frame to mount the seat on
So if you saw one of the posts above I pulled the stock rear seat apart and pulled out the frame to see if that would work first. But the frame sat way too high to get a bucket seat on top of up. With no head rest the seat back almost hit the roof.

But I should clarify the major hiccup is the front mount because it's spring loaded to fold. Just that front mount alone sits about 5" off the floor and I'd have to cut the spring off which seems dangerous
The other option is just straight U bolt. I'll probably have to use 2 of the pieces as a spacer wonder if that will end up with any lateral movement though 20220710_203404.jpg
So if you saw one of the posts above I pulled the stock rear seat apart and pulled out the frame to see if that would work first. But the frame sat way too high to get a bucket seat on top of up. With no head rest the seat back almost hit the roof.

But I should clarify the major hiccup is the front mount because it's spring loaded to fold. Just that front mount alone sits about 5" off the floor and I'd have to cut the spring off which seems dangerous
It's been a long time since I've had a 2 dr, but I get your dilemma now.
The other option is just straight U bolt. I'll probably have to use 2 of the pieces as a spacer wonder if that will end up with any lateral movement though View attachment 376834
once tightened down it I don't think it would have any lateral movement. That would be closer to what the OEM latches do.
Update to this project. Finally finished it. Added 1/4" bar steel on top of the U bolts so it threads through both sides. Added gussets to the rear for more support on the actual seat. The thing is stout as hell and I'm very happy with the results. With the passenger seat all the way back and reclined for comfort I can still fit in the back seat without being cramped at all. The back seat still reclines a decent amount without hitting the window. And is still on the stock slider so I can move it forward if I need more cargo room. Even with it all the way back I can still access the little storage bin no problem. Now just sling the car seat in through the gate and good to go.

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