Amazing pictures and looks like a great trip through some remote and beautiful desert.
Thanks! Glad you like the pics and yes, it is very very remote out there and while it may not be for everyone, we love it out there :)
Absolutely love the American history that can be found in the desert. I so want to do some more exploring within Nevada (probably when the temps cool down lol) and thank you for taking us along this one with these awesome pictures!
There really is so much that can still be found out there and relatively intact. As far as temps go, this is all pretty far up north and it's a lot cooler than you'd think.
very cool!

wondering what a Geiger counter would read in the blast area.

The Nevada desert has so much to explore (y)
We've taken a geiger counter out there in the past and surprisingly, we didn't get much of a reading if at all. In a crazy way, we were kinda disappointed LOL
I absolutely love these posts, thanks for posting them. What an amazing trip! 👍
We'll have to do a trip where we can bring you along with us some time.
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