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Meme King
Not sure if we have a thread like this, but if not, here's one. Show your tire tracks in mud, snow, or whatever. Then tell the tire Brand, model, and size. These are Cooper STT pros, 33s.

This thread reminds me of when I was a kid, maybe 12 years old. My buddy's dad dropped me off after some Michigan trail riding. I thought that old 74 Blazer was the coolest thing ever. We had a dirt and gravel driveway and the Blazer left a great big ol' Gumbo Monster Mudder track. I bugged my mom to drive around that track for weeks so it would stay there and finally it got rained away. I just remember going out there to look at it thinking... some day.


The underwear in prior posts brings back memories I don't really want to talk about.
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