I would never do what you are doing but have a couple questions,
How do you plan your next stops? How long do you plan to go for? Solo trip, just you and your wife?
Beautiful picture also.
My wife was with me in Alaska, Japan and Taiwan. At that point she wanted to go back to the grandkids in Arizona and Utah. She has been to 60+ of the 86 countries, autonomous states or other remote areas I have been to in the last six years.
The places and routing this three month window(June 10 - September 4) my stops were mostly recommended by a friend from the Netherlands that grew up in Indonesia and has been traveling Asia most of his life.

Today I took an $18.80 flight to Long Banga, Malaysia. Five of the next six nights I will be in remote jungle villages. I might even get to do some Borneo jungle wheeling in the next few days. Rent the Rover for $5 USD and fill the tank after. I will see if I can find the random photos thread to post some of my other photos later.
Ultimately my goal is to see as much of the planet as I can until I don't feel like doing it anymore. Not actually having a home makes it easier to keep going. This traveling the world costing me less than if I would have kept my house and lifestyle I had before retirement.
Normally I look for affordable transportation or lodging and expand from there. Going to Asia has always been my plan. I finally made it because we found a cruise at a reasonable price. Long flights are hard on both my wife and myself. That friend that gave me the recommendations for trip found me a lay flat seat from Tokyo to LAX $1000. So hopefully that will be good for me.
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