Show us your spiders

We have all kinds of critters here. Some are good, some are bad. Currently, our biggest issue is wolf spiders. If you walk outside at night, before the dew sets, and shine a flash light around the yard, you can see them everywhere. The eyes reflect the light and look like little gems. Kind of a mix of cool and creepy while keeping the wife inside after the sun goes down.

I do this all the time when we're out camping with a head lamp. Keeps me from accidentally stepping near a half dollar sized wolf spider while taking a piss. Cool or creepy, it's damn useful.
A few months back I sold an extra set of Jeep mirrors to a coworker. I went home at lunch to go get them from my garage. As I picked up the box off the shelf and set it on my Jeep fender to ensure they were in there, I felt something scurry across my boot. As I looked down, I saw a silver dollar size wolf spider stop about a foot from the tire. It was a huge ugly, creepy looking thing. As I wasn’t sure what kind of spider it was (it was the first I’d seen), I proceeded to use a front passenger 35in BFG KO2 as my spider killing tool of choice. Apparently they are relatively harmless, but I didn’t know that at the time. A Jeepers gotta do what a Jeepers gotta do... amiright!

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A few months back I sold an extra set of Jeep mirrors to a coworker. I went home at lunch to go get them from my garage. As I picked up the box off the shelf and set it on my Jeep fender to ensure they were in there, I felt something scurry across my boot. As I looked down, I saw a silver dollar size wolf spider stop about a foot from the tire. It was a huge ugly, creepy looking thing. As I wasn’t sure what kind of spider it was (it was the first I’d seen), I proceeded to use a front passenger 35in BFG KO2 as my spider killing tool of choice. Apparently they are relatively harmless, but I didn’t know that at the time. A Jeepers gotta do what a Jeepers gotta do... amiright!

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They are all harmless dead

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I forgot all about this thread but here's one I found in the shop this spring.
Tried to be nice and let it be but a week later it had a big ol' egg sack hanging in there so I smashed it with a hammer.
Just caught this piece of shit in the garage.

View attachment 369061
I forgot all about this thread but here's one I found in the shop this spring.
View attachment 369065
Tried to be nice and let it be but a week later it had a big ol' egg sack hanging in there so I smashed it with a hammer.
There is no being nice when it comes to Black Widows. 2 or 3 times a week during the summer I go out after dark and kill 6+ or more. They love out door furniture and the cabinet on my BBQ. They rarely live long enough to get that big. Sucks most OTC pesticides don't kill them or brown recluses either.
There is no being nice when it comes to Black Widows. 2 or 3 times a week during the summer I go out after dark and kill 6+ or more. They love out door furniture and the cabinet on my BBQ. They rarely live long enough to get that big. Sucks most OTC pesticides don't kill them or brown recluses either.
Praying Mantis will eat a widow. 👍🏼
We have all kinds of critters here. Some are good, some are bad. Currently, our biggest issue is wolf spiders. If you walk outside at night, before the dew sets, and shine a flash light around the yard, you can see them everywhere. The eyes reflect the light and look like little gems. Kind of a mix of cool and creepy while keeping the wife inside after the sun goes down.
My family had a chicken farm (really an egg farm, 75000 chickens laying 48000 eggs a day) in FL for a few years. There were lots of flies, so there were lots of the biggest wolf spiders your nightmares could conjure up. Leg span as big or bigger than my hand. The worst part was, you would think they would be slow, but no, the bigger they were the faster they were! We moved from Michigan so the first time I saw one of them all I could think was "That can't be real?". Trying to kill it was when we found out how fast they were. Wish I had pictures of them but this was before everyone carried a phone in their pocket.
The brown recluse is much more dangerous than the black widow since it bites much more often. When I grew up outside of San Diego we sometimes had thousands of black widows but we never got bit. A couple of times I had large ones run up inside my pant leg and I would get them out by jumping up and down. Some of them would get pretty big.

The brown recluse makes your body rot and they are hard to see. Also they like to share the house with you.
The brown recluse is much more dangerous than the black widow since it bites much more often. When I grew up outside of San Diego we sometimes had thousands of black widows but we never got bit. A couple of times I had large ones run up inside my pant leg and I would get them out by jumping up and down. Some of them would get pretty big.

The brown recluse makes your body rot and they are hard to see. Also they like to share the house with you.
Yep and nope. That story gave me the heebie jeebies.

I'm not afraid of spiders. I just make sure to kill the poisonous ones. If I find wild spiders in the house I try to scoop them up and throw them outside to kill other bugs.
Yeah, spiders are creepy little critters, but I avoid killing them unless the wife insists. They eat bugs, so I see them as allies in the war on insects.
My family had a chicken farm (really an egg farm, 75000 chickens laying 48000 eggs a day) in FL for a few years. There were lots of flies, so there were lots of the biggest wolf spiders your nightmares could conjure up. Leg span as big or bigger than my hand. The worst part was, you would think they would be slow, but no, the bigger they were the faster they were! We moved from Michigan so the first time I saw one of them all I could think was "That can't be real?". Trying to kill it was when we found out how fast they were. Wish I had pictures of them but this was before everyone carried a phone in their pocket.
The wolf spiders don't worry me at all. They are pretty much harmless when walking around and will usually avoid you unless you mess with them. The worst I have seen was a Huntsman. I was replacing a well pump and encountered them in the enclosure. Nothing like coming face to face with a spider that has a 6 inch leg span and is carrying an egg sack that looks like a golf ball. Glad they are pretty much harmless as well, except for the damage to my pants. It is all of the small ones that will kill you. We do get some interesting ones though.


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