Anyone have any tricks or tips on how to get the windshield decal on centered and straight? Got mine in the mail today.
1. Make sure the windshield surface area is clean and dry.
2. Before removing the vinyl decal and top paper layer from it's stiff paper backing, fold the whole thing in half and place a piece of masking tape along the folded crease in the center.
3. Find the center of your windshield and tape the entire intact decal to it using the previously adhered masking tape. Make sure the folded crease on the decal's center is placed along the exact center point of your windshield.
4. Tear half of the decal's stiff paper backing off at the center crease. You should now have one half with a sticky backing and one half without.
5. Carefully adhere the half with the sticky backing to the windshield starting from the center and slowly moving outward.
6. Remove all the remaining stiff paper backing and masking tape from the decal and adhere the other half to the windshield, again starting from the center and slowly moving outward.
7. Reinforce the actual vinyl decals by pressing firmly on the adhered lettering, starting from the center of each letter and moving outward. Apply as much even pressure as you can to each letter, focusing on corners and areas where the letters come to a point.
8. Remove the top paper layer from the actual vinyl decals, starting from an upper corner and pulling downward. Avoid pulling too fast or away from windshield, as this increases the chances of unintentionally removing a vinyl letter. Rather, pull down slowly and along the face of windshield.
9. Open beer. Drink beer. Admire your new WAYALIFE windshield decal!
10. Repeat step 9 as many times as necessary to achieve maximum satisfaction.