Resident Smartass
You’re delusional.If someone has the mindset they cannot or will not take a life in defense of their lives or the lives of their loved ones with a firearm, they don't have the mindset to defend themselves or their loved ones with Jiu-Jitsu or other unarmed technique.
Taking a human life is abhorrent to the majority of people. But we don't defend ourselves to kill. We defend ourselves to survive. Killing your attacker is one horrible, possible outcome necessary to end an attack. For most it's better than suffering irreparable harm or loss of life to a loved one or yourself. If you'd rather suffer irreparable harm or loss of life than take the life of your attacker, that's your choice. I don't understand it, but I accept that it's your right.
Most people who carry are not scared. If most people who cary did so because they were scared and that was a bad combination, we'd have more occurrences of otherwise law abiding citizens acting out. Most people who carry are very cognizant of the burden of responsibility that rests on their shoulders. Otherwise, we'd have a lot more "Karens" flashing firearms about.
Not all jurisdictions allow the use of lethal force to defend property. Not all "castle doctrine" covers property outside the domicile. I believe some still require you to show you did everything possible to retreat before resorting to the use of lethal force.
For a reliable, durable shotgun, check out the Beretta 1301 Tactical. It's light, short and well vetted by guys who know fighting shotguns.
You know who doesn’t say on forums that if someone breaks into their house they would shoot them? People who have actually taken a life. People who do say they’ll shoot someone no problem are people who read too much on the internet.
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