Just wanted to post a short review of this weird little project I recently put together.
Last year I bought a Remington 783 in 6.5CM for my wife (hence the brake) to provide her a relatively inexpensive foray into the world of long range shooting. What was intended to be "bargain" build is quickly becoming one of my favorite guns in the house.
For one thing, that cheap little 783 is stupid accurate. More accurate than my shooting & reloading skills for sure... I really didn't expect that but lately I'm seeing a few posts on other forums indicating similar results from this $350 gun. And, the bolt isn't amazing but it's smooth enough for me not to notice or care. Even the funky little trigger safety doesn't bother me the way I thought it might.
The tupperware stock is trash though, so I thought I'd try the relatively cheap ($400) Oryx chassis... I'm super impressed with it. Wanted a chassis that would work well shooting steel but could also work well in wet/dirty hunting conditions. It's *very* stout... in fact, weight might be the only potential complaint I have because it's not the lightest chassis for sure. However, the weight helps reduce the recoil for my wife so I'm good with it.
Even the inexpensive Riton scope has been a pleasant surprise.
At this point I think I have about $1000 into the whole thing but the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. Plan to throw a Harris bipod on there and call it done this spring... And I like that Oryx chassis so much that I'm going to get another one for my .300WM (Remington 700LR).
Awesome! I started reloading about 2 years ago just for that reason. Lucked out and got set up right as the plandemic was starting. Not sure about prices now but breakeven is definitely quick if you're working with any of the magnums, and even 6.5CM.
I was an "all around" gun guy for a long time but I have to admit... the long range thing has me totally geeked.

I've totally left off everything else!