shout out from eastern oregon

Hello all, new to the forum. Looking forward to seeing all the cool things you guys do with your jeeps, and who knows, I may even have something to contribute. Been a jeep owner my whole life.....own two jeeps right now.....that is why I have no money :D:D

Be safe!
Welcome from Dayton Nevada, post some pics.

Thanks to all for the welcome,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and since you asked:D A pic of my 86..........sold it to a good friend last year.........built AMC 360 and built auto tranny..............I am pulling out a toyota;);)
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And here is a picture of my 84...............still own this, along with the rubicon.....need to get some picture downloaded of the rubi...........................


For some reason I am having trouble with getting the picture to load...............any tips. I use smugmug as a host........................thanks!!
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